
I can’t anymore with the way I’m supposed to act like super over-the-top plastic surgery is awesome.

Yeah, 9 years now. Jeez. It seems like another life.

HAHAHA my New England family uses no air conditioning and we heat and cook with wood stoves like real New Englanders yar yar yar

Wow - I don’t even know what that might be like. But then all I want from life is A line skirts and cashmere sweaters. I dress like a 10 year old c. 1950.

Uniqlo is the answer and it doesn’t even matter what the question is.

Not to be a pedant, but perhaps it’s my place to point out that you’ve linked to the Guardian liveblog (to be sure, considered the gold standard of I-M liveblogs). The BBC one (also good, more subtle) is here.

You called?

Yes! The large or XL weekender and the abbey carry-on are all you need.

C’mon, no mention of A Better Tomorrow?

No. He got ticketed (maybe even arrested?) for riding a scooter with a suspended license.

JR has some of the same skill set and unpredictability as Starks, but Starks was a beast on defense and really made the very most with the tools he had through 110% effort. JR (who I love, always, although I’m pissed at him about the Jenner IG thing) has pretty much made the very least out of the skills he has and

It’s pretty obvious that they just took their focus group market research report and turned it into copy without bothering to actually do the work needed to translate that into ad-speak.

Yup. And although I sorta resent the idea that lady bikes are so I can wear lady skirts, I also really like being able to wear a sundress an go biking, so...

Yeah I’m sitting here thinking “why would I shave my thighs??” but I guess I’m not that hairy?

Believe me I know - my teen years were basically Margaret Atwood Cat’s Eye.

Nope. It’s well known. Except, mysteriously, on this website?

Yes there are and I don’t understand why it’s so strange to say that the moon affects us.

You know that’s not coincidence at all, right? (Maybe this is a joke? My radar is off today)

Just because a teenager feels alone and talked about and unpopular at school really doesn’t mean they’re being bullied. Feeling alone and misunderstood and friendless at some point is part of being a teenager for almost everyone. Let’s reserve “bullying” for real cases of persecution, which may or may not be

so jelly