
It’s uncomfortable how this is playing out as being all clothes and makeup and looking hot, as if that’s what being a woman is about. I guess that’s what’s most accessible, but it feels weird.

Well, it wouldn’t be if there weren’t five TV shows about the happenings of the Jenner family.

Unless she actually shows herself to be a better person, disliking Caitlyn when you disliked Bruce proves how un-prejudiced you are, I think.

Yeah... I get that too. It’s achingly beautiful that she has such a strong, confident look in her eye, but. It sort of seems like, I don’t know, someone who is still figuring out the parameters of what it means to be a woman and is starting at the most obvious point. Which is fine, but a little, I don’t know.

This is bullshit. Can’t believe no one stood up for her. I mean I can, but I don’t want to.

That’s... yes.

Anyone who chooses to spend time with Michelle Rhee has got to be a shitstain of the highest order.

I think the key is to think critically about the choices you make. In general too many of the fun things in our culture are sexist (if not downright misogynist). I watch Game of Thrones, for example, and that show is like a living fuck you to women. I love sports but can’t be bothered to watch the WNBA. I’ve read a

Right, and that would be a good point if 30-50% of all marriages didn’t end in divorce!

If I can offer some advice to a total stranger - don’t make marriage your goal. That won’t accomplish anything and will make someone who doesn’t feel that way pretty confused and alienated. Make happiness your goal and figure out/explain how and why marriage fits into that, and not-marriage precludes it.

I’m in a long term relationship with no desire to get married. A while ago I realized I want a wedding - pretty dress and lots of food - but not to actually be married. The hardest part, honestly, is trying to convince people that this is my choice and I’m not just rationalizing.

Yeah wasn’t the whole thing about John Mayer that he was her first and all? Ther were songs and stuff about it?

That makes a lot of sense, and I assume it’s something like that, but it seems at odds with (parts I saw of) the interview he gave where he was very clear that he was the same person he always has been (I mean, of course, but I guess it needs to be spelled out?).

Why not Bruce? I mean, it’s a nice name. Makes me think of spruce trees and an old cat I used to have. Why does there have to be a new female name when it’s the same him it’s been all along? (I’m actually asking - I don’t understand this)

I think what you’re seeing is another symptom of the same problem, not the cause.

eh... not sure you can compare basic control over your own body to the right to enter into a voluntary contract as a similar finish line. They’re not really equivalent (I know that’s what the post is about, but seems especially relevant here).

I was more emotional that I thought I would be - before and after - and felt vaguely ashamed that I wasn’t the badass I thought I was. Then a friend pointed out that pregnancy/abortion is the world series of fucked up hormone roller coasters and I felt better. Basically like PMS x300.

Haha, starter marriages - they’re not just for straights anymore!

Those two girls on top are too young to get married!

Why is being not-as-good-as-LeBron something that makes Melo look bad? LeBron is the best player of his generation. Melo is not. That’s fine. Melo is great and I love him and there are parts of his game that are better than parts of LBJ’s game. But c’mon, no one’s out there asking if Melo is better than Jordan.