
OMG - I’m glad that I saw this. I watched the video and the pieces between 1:23:45 and 1:27:15 are my original work. Obviously, I will be making a claim and litigating this issue expeditiously.

It seems like there is such a simple solution to this. Require complainants put some dollar amount in escrow when filing a complaint, if it is found to be invalid, the person they filed against gets to keep it.

Exactly what I was thinking - Germany first with their hate law and now France.

Who cares about freedom of speech? Europe doesn’t.

If you get your “news” from facebook, you are an idiot.

To each his own I guess. I find it to be an enjoyable show, with likeable characters, who are relatable... even if they are fixated on “ancient history”.

No surprise, The Orville went unmentioned in a Best TV Show of the Year list on io9...

I mean... I like complaining about this administration as much as the next guy but if it really does save over a million dollars (and that’s a big IF) then how is that possibly a bad thing?

ROBOdega! It should have been called ROBOdega! And it should have had actual robot clerk- I’m picturing Zoltar but with a robot costume instead.

This is so true man. I have seen the videos of these vacs running into pet accidents (at least I hope they were pet accidents) and smearing crap all over the house and then becoming hopelessly covered in the mess to the point people have thrown them out.

I got one. The first time I tried it, it promptly navigated itself under my bed and turned itself off. The second time I tried it, it choked on a piece of tissue someone left on the ground. Eventually figured it out, sort of. A few days later it tried to chew up one of my USB cables. And it seems to like to chase me

I wonder what the net neutrality ideal would look like if applied to Google and Facebook, instead of just the ISPs. When Google can disrupt thousands of businesses with a small tweak of PageRank, there is a danger that they become the same as those ISPs they are complaining about.

But I don’t trust “Big Android” so I don’t use any of their default apps. I instead download shady as hell apps from weird websites and then side load them onto my phone. Thus, sticking it to the man. I mean I have no idea why a flashlight app would need access to my address book, facebook, twitter, photo’s, root

The scientists polled 1,000 people

Unfortunately, all of Google’s technical documentation is in Google Docs, and they can’t access it.

I just recently watched An American Werewolf in London for the first time on Amazon Prime. It’s a damn good movie and should be on this list.

Also is it bad that people want more complicated story telling from TV shows?

That you need to have your hand held and be told repeatedly that something matters is a you problem not a show problem. And the fact that you can write that last sentence without a hint of self-awareness would be hilarious if it was not kind of sad.

I Kinja’ed about this in another article about Discovery. Non-serialized TV was mostly a necessity back before Netflix and DVRs. Back then, if you missed an episode, you missed it. At least until it showed up again in a summer re-run or in syndication. Sure, VCRs have been a thing for a lot longer, but you had to

How bad the TV version is not only because of King writing the script, or how awful the production was or how bad the acting was, is all because of his desperation in creating an adaptation that somehow made more justice to the Jack Torrance character.