
I get the feeling that doing a sci-fi drama was a passion project for MacFarlane, but Fox just sees him as “Family Guy $$$” dude, so they marketed it as a comedy to get eyes on and forced jokes into the first episodes. There seem to be fewer ‘jokes’ each episode, and turning into a genuine Trek style show.

I get what your saying but he really grows on you. He legit loves what he’s doing and it jumps out of the screen. The guy is fulfilling a nerds dream and he’s doing it respectfully. He’s not beating us over the head with comedy. It’s so much more grounded than you would expect. The guy isn’t doing this for the money

It’s definitely not a comedy first and foremost. The all drama version of the show would literally only need to cut about five minutes per episode. The all-comedy version would need to be re-written and refilmed from the ground up. The plots are straight drama; the comedy bits are all added on.

I’m not sure you should categorically ignore all critics based on a sample of one. ;) But the disconnect between critics and viewers is sufficiently stark that I get where you’re coming from. It’s just baffling.

This show pretty much demonstrates to me why regular people like myself should ignore anything written by a person who describes themselves as a professional critic.

Not that I would expect you to know, that video is a spoof.

You know what would be really nice? If they beefed up their streaming selection to come close to the DVD selection. Whenever someone asks me if Netflix (streaming) is good, I tell them “Netflix is good for watching something; it’s not nearly as good for watching something IN PARTICULAR”.

More competition is good generally. But I think I’m OK with a Sprint-TMob merger (vs. say an ATT/TMob) as it would create a healthier / bigger #3 to play off the top two.

Eh, I don’t want to silence prima donna players making millions of dollars off of a game, but I do have a problem with disrespecting the flag, anthem, and our country. These players have a unique opportunity to bring racism and inequality to the forefront, but they don’t have to disrespect our country in doing so.

shut up, DTV stated they will refund you, so who cares?

Step outside America to see real “racism and inequality”

Same. Patiently waiting for the subscription service implosion where companies realize that if people are just gonna subscribe for a month for their exclusive content they might as well let Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon do the heavy lifting.

I already have DirecTv, and Netflix so I’m with you! I’m wondering if a VPN will work with Netflix. It’s a shame, I guess I’ll be userneting, torrenting or Kodi’ing or whatever you crazy kids use these days.

That’s a very good point—how many people (hell, how many Trekkies) are going to be willing to shell out for a CBS-only streaming service? I have Prime and Netflix—do I really want to shell out even more money for a service that’s going to have only a handful of shows I want to watch?

And thus was sounded the death knell of Star Trek: Discovery.

I’ll watch it if it ever shows up on US Netflix. I’m not shelling out for another subscription service.

The problem with unique passwords:

Wow the Russian paranoia train is intense. This must have been what it was like living in the Cold War Era.

“Electric cars are great for suburbs!” just doesn’t have the same futuristic, elitist ring to it, though.