
Considering that other than Ghost no one can hold a candle to KISS today, this is a positive development!

Arcade1UP has Star Wars Pinball on sale today for $420 (normally $750).

Arcade1UP has Star Wars Pinball on sale today for $420 (normally $750).

Mortal Kombat Midway Legacy from Arcade1UP.  MK3 is, by far, the most played multiplayer game in our house.  There are several other worthy multiplayer games on the cabinet (MK, MK2, Wizard of Wor, Rampage, Joust, and Toobin), but MK3 is the best of them.

Mortal Kombat Midway Legacy from Arcade1UP.  MK3 is, by far, the most played multiplayer game in our house.  There

Can’t help but think I’ve seen this show before.  Maybe they could call it “Earth 3"?

I had never even heard of Ghost before, but I got tickets to see Volbeat in Reno, and Ghost is the opening act, so I downloaded the Ghost Essentials playlist at Apple Music, and they’re pretty good.  Hardcore satanist, but with a cool sound, almost like an 80's hard rock band.  The song you’re referencing here isn’t

So... “Lower Decks: Metropolis”?

When did NYC schools add snow days?!? I taught in Brooklyn from 1990 to 1995, and we never had a snow day. We had days with more than two feet of snow, but the schools never closed. We would just herd the kids into the cafeteria for breakfast, then on to the gym for basketball and Nintendo all day (since too few of

I can’t wait to buy one to stick it on my Roomba, so when we get home from work our nightly game of “find the Roomba” will be much easier!

Sweet!  Florida real estate at Detroit prices, sign me up!  Hey, anyone think the Obama’s might sell me their Martha’s Vineyard property on the cheap?  I mean, if it’s all gonna be underwater in a few years, I’ll take it off their hands for a few thousand.

Avatar “worked” strictly due to its mind-blowing 3D effects.  Notice that once it left the theaters for the 2D home screens, it has become all but forgotten.  You take out the 3D, and people realized it was just Dances with Wolves on another planet.

Please, please, please put Lower Decks out of its misery and replace it with Section 31?

Apple TV+

Apple TV+

It like you’re in Sisolak’s head!

Oh, he’s a total Democrat. He’s made all the same COVID blunders, all the same regulatory blunders, he gives away the state to big corporations and billionaires. Our kids still can’t play sports (but the Knights, Raiders, and a wolf Pack sure can),

Here in Nevada we’ve known what a disaster this governor is, and he follows in the steps of the previous governor, an equal disaster (proving that the D or R after the name is largely irrelevant). The only reason the rest of the country isn’t aware of him is that he casts a lower idiot profile than Cuomo and Newsom.

I worried about “buying” games on a service that may not exist in a year, as is Google’s reputation, but then, I’m not aware of a service where Google sold products that they then shuttered. Don’t they usually get bored and shut down the free or pay as you go services? That, and the super cheap sale prices in

It seems the general mood is “oh, here goes Google again, getting bored and closing up shop.” Admittedly, I have always worried about this with Stadia, but is this development really a death knell? I mean, if they concentrate on bringing in more quality third party games like Madden 2021 and Cyberpunk, what does it

It plays great!  I have two Premiere Editions (controller and Chromecast), and the gameplay is amazing, bordering on magic.  I use a Razer Kishi when playing on my iPhone, and a wired XBOX 360 controller when playing on my MacBook Pro, but the Stadia controller is the best experience.

Lower Decks was borderline unwatchable. It committed the cardinal sin of a comedy series, in that it was deeply unfunny. 9 out of 10 gags were cringe-worthy. Still, I stuck with it for some unknown reason, perhaps my Star Trek super-fandom, but I really can’t see making it back for a second season. Discovery, on the

How do you get past the screen that tells you you cannot play Stadia on mobile Safari to log in?