
How tall are you? I’m nearly 6'3" and my knees are pretty much in the back of the seat without them reclining. I’m okay with them reclining a little but there’s a point where they have to stop. If you recline all the way back, my confrontational attitude is going to come knocking.

The person in front of me is not going to recline, whether they want to or not, because there is physically no space for them to do so. But I don’t care for these devices. Why? Because to use them, you have to be able to lower the tray table. If you can do that, then you have at least some room you can sacrifice.  I

If you recline more than half way during daylight hours you are a monster. I actually pack so I can put my hand luggage under the seat in front of me to keep it handy (I knit during long flights), and if someone reclines all the way I can’t get to my stuff without banging the seat.

Which usually gets me screamed at,

1. This is Evil week.

I normally don’t have this issue... my knees are normally bracing the seat. Not intentionally I just don’t have any where else to put them.

Just ask Hillary......

I’ve had multiple email accounts over the years...Yahoo! , then Hotmail, then Gmail (since day 1). Gmail is my most-used, and my Yahoo! account has been dormant for years (ever since it started to look like Yahoo! was CTD).

This was exactly my first thought. I’ve had my primary Gmail address since it was in beta and you had to be invited. I’ve got it tied to so many logins, websites, accounts, etc... it would take me days or weeks to track them all down and I’d still miss some.

As someone who has worked in hosting and internet security... Please don’t host your own email server unless you really know what you are doing. There are so many ways to abuse improperly setup email servers as sources of malicious internet traffic.

This is a good point from a continuity point-of-view; having the same email address over the years is definitely a good thing, both for personal AND professional reasons. If you’re worried about “losing” email, then it’s less relevant - it’s standard practice to allow a complete download of emails, so you can import

I know this is an awful point of view to have because it kills competition, but I just don't trust that any of these will still be around in a few years. I know if I ever need to find an old email, unless there's a nuclear Holocaust, it's probably safe in my Gmail account until the day I die.

Rains brand stuff. For those that aren’t into that sporty granola REI “I’m going camping!” vibe (not that there’s anything wrong with that!). Kept walking my dog past the store on Lafayette in NYC, like “really? A raincoat brand? F*cking kill me now.” Broke down and tried one on before I went to the Faroe Islands, and

Rains brand stuff. For those that aren’t into that sporty granola REI “I’m going camping!” vibe (not that there’s

It’s expensive, even at the 50% off price I paid, but I adore my Hunter rain coat. I love love love the cheery but soft sky blue, it feels *quality*, the rain never ever gets even a tiny bit through, the mesh keeps it from feeling clammy even in Vancouver, it’s stylish, the slightly pointed shape of the hood is

It’s expensive, even at the 50% off price I paid, but I adore my Hunter rain coat. I love love love the cheery but

Remember folks, doxxing is bad unless it’s done against people you disagree with.

There’s that old Gawker feeling.

The problem with unique passwords:

“Electric cars are great for suburbs!” just doesn’t have the same futuristic, elitist ring to it, though.