
Right? For a while there, it was actually easier to buy video than to steal it. Now torrenting is looking tempting again.

I was going to make a half-serious comment about how great it is/was to have the ad-hoc interoperability of command line programs that each just do one thing well, and why can’t we modernize that sort of thing, but your “unplug” bullet point was better, so here’s a vaguely relevant XKCD comic:

Your comment is incredibly short sighted. If you are only allowed to charge $2 for a water bottle. Then you have however many water bottles each store has, and when that runs out game over.

If you’re allowed to charge $100 for a water bottle, then people will fill up U-hauls from all over the country and drive to

Price gouging rules are unbelievably stupid. They only slow down and lead to poorer asset allocation. Let people charge what they want and let the market arbitrage the market away is what I was always taught by my favorite college econ professor... Rent seek and you sha’ll find!

Congratulations, you’re ill-informed but confident about it!

Antifa is no better than any of these other right-wing or left-wing idiots. The American public is being played like a game of chess by the 1%. The problem is, the game table is round and never stops revolving...They stay in charge while we stay in battle going no where.

As an evil, godless, liberal let me just agree with this enthusiastically.

Matt, I expected this was going to be a list of things regular conservatives do, but that you were casting as Nazi behavior, but No. I agree with this list. These are pretty squarely within the realm of what Nazis do. I appreciate that you didn’t try to turn this into a bifurcated argument of “anyone who doesn’t do

Only their call center people and their warehouse people; who all work for very low wages and do a lot of work. Those office folk making all the stinks right now? Degree’d self important do-nothings.

It sounds like one of the places you get hired and then you just....exist. Kind of like how the hardest part about Harvard is getting in.

Does anyone actually do any work at Google? I’m starting to understand why they have twenty messaging apps no one uses.

Like I said - the ratings are useless then if you’re getting the highest marks for just doing what’s expected.

I’ve never taken an Uber, they just became available in my area, but this kind of thing basically makes ratings useless.

Anyone living better than me is rich, anyone less is poor.

Typical dishonest journalism.

Alt-right term? WTF. ‘Snowflake’ is just a term. Its been around forever. Usually used when calling someone a ‘special snowflake’ meaning that they feel they are even more unique then normal snowflakes.

Honestly I’ve seen more people falling over each other trying to find negative responses than actual negative responses.

Honest question here. Has there been much of a backlash? Maybe I’ve been fortunate, but I’ve managed to mostly see real positive opinions on the matter. It’s actually been a pleasant surprise from the usual reactions to news like this.

They’ve been doing this at WaWas forever, it’s great. While a kiosk can be a bit cold, it is far more efficient to have orders collected and processed independently while they stay at their workstations making sandwiches.

If he comes legally and not ILLEGALLY, Trump’s policies would never be a problem..... Why do you people have such an inability to comprehend LEGAL vs ILLEGAL?