
I would, but the situation starts with the person trying to recline, but getting bounced back because my knees are already planted in the back of his seat (I’m 6’3”).  Before I can ask kindly, I have an angry face looking back at me wondering why I’m blocking his recliner.  Not a good start. I once had one guy call

This is one of the most brilliant ideas I have ever heard! Thank you so much! Others have suggested things like pressing your knees into the seat, but at 6’3”, my knees are pressed into the seat in front of me by default. Now, when the a$$hole in front of me decides to recline, I’ll just go Mr. Freeze on his a$$,

The book, Doctor Sleep, was amazing. The Shining book was amazing as well, but the original movie was trash. Hopefully, this is a better outing than the original was. From your review, it sounds like it was done right this time.

The first time they showed the Exorcist on TV, I was terrified. I still remembered that as the scariest thing I had ever seen. I must have been about 9 or so. I didn’t remember any details, just that it had scared me. I just watched it again the other night, and it is so bland and un-frightening, it just shows the

Mine was “installing” all night last night.  I heard of the issue, but I was afraid to stop the install for fear of causing the issue.  As of this morning, it still shows as “downloaded” but not installed.  

They violated the first rule of the Star Chamber, you never break the secrecy of the Star Chamber!

This has been my problem with Apple Arcade from the start. I really wanted to support it (I am all-in on the Apple ecosystem, and I only buy premium games), but the whole service is filled with nothing but indie-trash. This list is a great example. The only game that looks remotely interesting is Spaceland, but I

Does this mean I will FINALLY be able to get them to stop recommending Handmaiden’s Tale to me, no matter how many times I tell it I don’t want to see that?

I’ve signed up for every service from Apple, from 200 GB iCloud, to Apple Music, to Apple News +, and I plan to sub to Apple TV +, but I just can’t see myself adding Apple Arcade.  They have a bunch of games, and not a single one worth playing.  I did the beta of Stadia last year, and that blew me away.  I’ll probably

These “breeds” have always amazed me. We breed rough coat collies, but we have a pointer mix that we got outside WalMart one day. It turned out that the owners had a purebred lab and several purebred pointers, and there was a Romeo and Juliet moment. They had accidentally created the Pointador.  So we took her home,

This will be the first Apple service that I will have to give a pass. I hate the current freemuim model of gaming, but I can find a few worthwhile games out there that are true premium experiences (NBA 2K20, GRID, Pinball Arcade, Motorsport Manager, Tropico, Civilization, and several board and card games). When I look

This will just remind me of how old I’m getting. I’ve either played in or spectated in so many arenas that are no longer in existence...

This will just remind me of how old I’m getting. I’ve either played in or spectated in so many arenas that are no

I’m happy to pay more for the NHL, in fact I do every year ($159). My only gripe there is the archaic blackout restrictions. I agree with your point, but it should go both ways. I don’t want to have to pay for National Geographic in order to watch the Islanders when they are playing the Golden Knights or Sharks. It

One of the things I have always worried about with “cord cutting” was that the cable companies always held the final move. Sure, you can ditch the Comcast cable bundle for Hulu/CBS/Netflix/Prime, but then Comcast can choose to cap your bandwidth at 100 GB a month or less. You’re “free” of the cable bundle, but you can

The Star Trek Experience was pure magic. I visited before my kids were born in 2000, then again as they were 5 and 6 years old. I am so glad they got to experience this before they dismantled it. Our sons marveled at the transporter, an unrivaled experience.  My older one, who was 6 even braved the Borg, which were

I don’t know why people are complaining about the size. You add the riser and you have the actual arcade machine hight. I am 6'3" and I comfortably play my Pac Man, Rampage, and Asteroids cabinets all the time!

This is one of the reasons I chose Apple. When I comes down to it, my phone is a communication device that must work 100% of the time. Everything else is secondary. I need stability, so I chose Apple’s “walled garden” and I stay there. If I wanted the open range, I could have chosen Android. There is no reason to

Ah, the fossil fuel trope. It’s definitely not the hundreds of billion dollar climate industrial complex that’s fibbing to perpetuate the gravy train.

Clime-nado 4, Bigger, Badder, Hotter”

How about “Super Colossal Climate Epidemic”? Oh, wait, I know “Climageddon”! That will bring in the grant money!