
I pay $2.99 a month per line for enhanced caller ID through Sprint, and while I do resent paying for this (about 2x the cost of Hiya), I can say that since I switched from Hiya to Sprint for call blocking (three months now), I’ve only had one robocall get through.  I used to get a few a week.

Not only are these movies outstanding, but it is also gratifying to see one of the rare all around good guys in Hollywood (Reeves) doing well.

Well no kidding.  Just look at the spate of MAGAphobic bullying in schools all over the country, often led by the “adults” after the 2016 election.

Maybe you’d have better luck with The Orville?  I mean, it is a comedy...

Ahh, the age old mantra of the Alt-Left, “If you can’t beat them, ban them.”

After about a day with the iPhone X I was completely over the home button and touch ID.  Now, I find it annoying to have to keep placing my thumb on the home button on my iPad to get it to fill in web passwords, since I am used to just looking at my phone to do the same thing.  Also, Face ID works 100% of the time

I would be happy if the biodegradable bags would still carry groceries all the way home.  Unfortunately, they tend to degrade right around the driveway, usually when there are glass jars or bottles in them.  

Born and raised in NY.  Lived in NYC for years.  Dealt with alternate side parking and all the other crap, then I left.  The one thing that really stands out is that people in rural areas have a far better understanding of how other people live, or at least the fact that there are other ways to live, than people in

I have to wonder who would buy this when for the same price you can get the full cabinet and a riser from Arcade1Up with Street Fighter. Ok, I know there are a few other games there, but I’d bet that most people want this for Street Fighter. (I don’t have the Street Fighter cabinet from Arcade1Up, but I do have

This is why Mueller couldn’t find any evidence, the Russians got President Trump elected by putting the whammy on the voters!

When I first saw this Palm phone, I had to double check the calendar to make sure it wasn’t April 1.

As the great Frank Herbert wrote, “a walking population is easier to control.”

I used to take Amtrak to and from college in Boston (back in the 1980's), and it was forever a nightmare. For me, I saved a decent amount of money over the airfare, but it was hardly worth it. My main problem with Amtrak is that unlike airlines, which occasionally oversell their seats resulting in chaos for travelers,

During the beta, I was on Charter Internet, with a rated 50 Mb download speed (which regularly varied from 10 to 90).  Still, Assassins Creed ran amazingly well on my MacBook Air.  It looked perfect and played perfectly!  I was almost always seeing the little warning box telling me that my Internet was too slow, but

I’ve tried so many email apps, but I always come back to the stock mail app on both iOS and MacOS. They just function better than anything else. I can see the Gmail app if you really want native Gmail, but I just use Gmail to forward email to my iCloud account, then use the mail apps there (using SMTP through Gmail to

It really seems the Netflix model is the scattergun method.  Make enough of everything and everyone will like something.  Most of the shows you mention here I haven’t seen (or even heard of), but The Umbrella Academy alone is worth the Netflix subscription.  I’m sure there are plenty of people who have never seen the

This is the coolest article I’ve read all day! I saw the headline and thought WTF?, but I’d never considered the average distance including orbit.

I do owe an apology here. I do not make a practice of visiting theological sites to question or mock people’s religious beliefs. It is not just counter-productive, but it is also rude, and for that I apologize.

These kids are frighteningly uninformed, and now they are going to take a desperately needed day off from school to act upon their fears.  I think they need to spend some more time in school instead!

Impressive article. You actually made it to the second to last sentence before your TDS kicked in.  I think that’s a Gizmodo record!