
Nightmares... Can’t get that thing out of my head! How do they reproduce? Does it involve a face-hugger?

I might be missing something here, but if you only download from the App Store, you won’t have access to these sketchy apps, right?

You know, I’ve noticed the last few times I’ve been to WalMart that some of the prices are up, the place wasn’t as clean as it used to be, and the lines were several people deep and never would it occur to them to open more than three of the two dozen check out lines! Following your logic, next time this happens I

Great concept, but since it’s made by Roomba, it will probably just roam around the lawn for a minute before making a bee line across the driveway to wedge itself under the car until it’s battery dies. 

On the one hand, I do appreciate you proving my point, but on the other hand, you illustrate the dilemma we face right now. The whole “everyone I disagree with is literally Hitler,” is probably the most dangerous ideology in the US.  Still, I wish you nothing but good health.  We can disagree and still be peaceful.

I have a lot more respect for Google, Microsoft, and Facebook than I did a few minutes ago.

All too many people today think that people who disagree with them do not simply have a different opinion, but that they are evil.  You cannot debate evil, you must wipe it out.  This is a very dangerous development.  I disagree with a lot of stuff I read on Earther/Gizmodo, but I would be truly saddened to hear of

2018 called, it wants its talking point back.

Hey, here’s a thought, maybe the Democrats could actually vote to pay them rather than using air safety as a political football?

What is this “Trump shutdown” you speak of? The President has stayed in Washington trying to negotiate with the Democrats to re-open the government, but Schumer and Pelosi refuse to negotiate. Its only called the Schumer shutdown because there’s no alliteration in “Pelosi shutdown.”

The do not call list is like gun control. The law-abiding companies stick to it and don’t spam you, but the scammers ignore the list and fire away. Nevertheless, this is another great article about how the Schumer Shutdown II is hardly affecting anyone.

That was impressive. The Obamas and Susan Rice are Netflix executives, yet you still manage to tie this to Donald Trump. Gizmodo is like a daily game of “Six Degrees of Donald Trump.”

No question this is a valid inquiry, but they are overlooking the far more invasive practice of filling classrooms with Chromebooks and Google Apps.  Google is harvesting full profiles of schoolkids from first grade on, just by giving away Google Apps (show me a school district that will turn down free or cheap stuff).

Man am I glad you’re not in charge of design at Apple!  Go enjoy your Android stuff that you’re convinced is better.  The rest of us will keep appreciating the quality that Apple gives us.

Yes, delayed start times give teens an extra half hour or so to play Fortnight.

How long did a password have to exist to make this list? I ask because I administer the Chromebooks in my school district, and to simplify things, whenever I assign a new Chromebook, or I have to reset a forgotten password (a daily event in middle school), I assign the password “password” with the flag that requires

I can’t remember the last cash transaction I made.  

Jus do it! Seriously, I have this machine and the Rampage one and they’re amazing! Very well constructed, easy to assemble. You do need the riser, though, as they are too short otherwise.

Jus do it! Seriously, I have this machine and the Rampage one and they’re amazing! Very well constructed, easy to

Well, abusers of both children and adults frequently lock their victims in.  DOWN WITH LOCKS!  All locks are dystopian, must be banned.  Abusers often use cars to transport their victims, DOWN WITH CARS...

Wow, pretty out there... Welcome to 2018.