
I thought iCloud backups were encrypted as well. Can Apple un-encrypt them? Not that I’m advocating they do so, just wondering if they even can.

Wow, this looks exactly like what people in the 1960s thought cars would look like in the 1980s.

I don’t know anyone who actually pays attention to RT, except maybe after seeing a movie just to see how out of touch the critics there are. This will be a non-issue.

Really? Try getting a SBA loan as a man, then come back to me with your tears...

Obama was the king of drone killings, but facts don’t get through into the Bubbleverse.

Ripped off from Daniel Suarez’s book Kill Decision from 2012.

You do realize that in an actual “banana republic,” you’d have been shut down long ago for daring to criticize “literally Hitler.” Maybe tone it down a bit, since you’re sounding a lot like Fake News CNN?

OMG! One movie doesn’t have a LGBTQ... character! Release the hounds! No one had sex in the movie, gay or straight. Can’t we just leave politics out, just once?

Phew! I read your headline and for a moment I thought President Trump had nominated Bill Nye. So relieved...

It is hilarious how you accurately debunk one conspiracy in chemtrails, while repeatedly citing global warming. Speaking of echo chambers...

Administrator tried to introduce science into a scientific debate. 3...2...1 OUTRAGE!

Password problems will always occur, no matter how much you educate people, because people are people. You say, “use a strong password,” people hear “use a password I’ll never remember.” You say, “use a password locker,” people hear, “another service I’ll have to remember a password for.” You say, “never re-use

Unfortunately, this is the price of “free.” Google Docs is great, as long as what you write is approved.

It’s about time this corrupt program was reined in!

You left out Visions, easily the best scary movie on Netflix now.

The Orville. Classic Trek-style self contained episodes every week. You’re welcome.

I keep trying to get ahold of the TV version. The novel was amazing, but the Kubrick movie was terrible. So overrated. I heard the TV version was actually based on the novel unlike the movie. Dr. Sleep was amazing too.

Thank you for an excellent review! I too have had no use for Seth MacFarlane’s other stuff (I wouldn’t go so far as saying I “hate” him, since he seems like a decent guy, and his love of Star Trek is obvious in The Orville), but I think The Orville is the best thing to happen to TV in awhile! I expected something like

Seriously, welcome to the fight. Twitter has censored, banned, and shadow banned conservative voices for years, but now it looks like they may have finally stepped on the wrong constituency!

Yeah, Twitter suspends McGowan but not Schlchter because Twitter has a long history of bias against liberals? Hmmmm. Schlichter has written often about the problem of false accusations ruining innocent lives, a particular problem on college campuses today. Still, the funniest part is how you accuse Schlichter of