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This is still the best one! -(still laughing...)

I’m 50, and I saw Blade Runner in a theater. I was barely able to stay awake for the whole film (so, not strictly a generational thing). It was pretentious garbage. Your point about Star Trek the Motionless Picture is true, but at least there we had characters we cared for and there was an actual plot involved, albeit

I think you guys really nailed Blade Runner. With about a 90- minute run time, its meh, with a 2+ hour run time it violates the Geneva Conventions.

Yeah, we finally got hooked on Prison Break, now gone. Had to go buy it at iTunes.

Hey, maybe the increased prices will allow them to add new series like Star Trek Discovery, oh wait...

Its a Chromebook, and its $1000...

That’s actually my first concern here. I’ve been a (very satisfied) Sprint user for more than a decade, and I remember the Nextel fiasco caused by a failed attempt to merge two incompatible networks.

So, like everything at Gizmodo, TL;DR “This is bad because Trump.”

Puerto Rican leaders lie about Trump during a humanitarian crisis, President has none of it.

Don’t you mean 100%? After all, someone dies every time.

Climate change also killed off unicorns...

Well, according to Puerto Rico’s own governor, the response from the Trump Administration has been excellent. He even noted that. for the first time, the government was there BEFORE the hurricane to help prepare for the destruction. I know we will never get a positive Trump story here at Never Trump Gizmodo, but you

This is a non-news story. Did you seriously thing DirecTV was asking people to actually prove they were cancelling due to the anti-America protests in the games? How? “Um, sure I’ll issue a refund, but first you have to sing the Star Spangled Banner for me...”

This is great, but also hard to believe it’s an issue. It really wasn’t very long ago that in flight entertainment consisted of one movie, heavily edited, and shown on a ten inch screen three rows ahead of you. Now, before a flight, I load up a few movies or a season of Stargate on my phone or Mac, and I’m good to

Amazing! People have footage of police doing questionable things, and Gizmodo is all for it. People have footage of criminals, that’s not good. You might want to Google “bias.”

It won’t unless you also have a DNS changer like Smarter DNS too.

Exactly my thought. Interestingly, I don’t entirely mind shelling out for Stargate for Origins, but that is because I didn’t already pay for it. I already pay for Netflix, which is showing Discovery around the world, but not in the US. I’ll watch the premiere, and if the show is any good (the trailers and news seem to

Do you know of a car bluetooth add-on like this that identifies as a car kit. In other words, I have one like this, but it doesn’t register that I’m in a car, so things like automatic do not disturb and remembering where I parked do not trigger. I’m looking for something like this device that the phone recognizes as a

Do you know of a car bluetooth add-on like this that identifies as a car kit. In other words, I have one like this,

A well written article, until the obligatory final paragraph where it is all Trump’s fault.

This just goes to show that you are foolish to trust Google with your data.