
I’m really hoping that American Assassin rakes in the bucks while this one languishes behind movies that were released a month ago just for the sake of schadenfreude. Well, I am a big Vince Flynn fan, so i genuinely want Assassin to do well, but I think that Aronofsky is the most overrated hack in Hollywood. The

I really like Kaspersky on my Mac, so I’m really hoping this is just more silly hyperventilating over TEH RUSHINZ!

Um, yeah, totally owned. You do realize that just making shit up doesn’t equate ownage right?

Nice try.

Will High Sierra kill 32 bit apps or just start warning us like iOS 10 does? I have some indispensible 32 bit Mac apps that’s I don’t want to die on September 25.

Wow, Target is that company that just can’t seem to stop shooting itself in the foot. I can’t remember when was the last time I went to one (I think there is still one in Reno, but I’m not sure).

I have an Apple Watch, I use continuity between my iPhone, iPad, and Mac, I have a Kevo door lock and a car Bluetooth kit, as well as several Bluetooth headphones. Exactly when am I “not using Bluetooth”? Seriously, the “turn off your Bluetooth” advice is about three to five years out of date.

I have a gas powered car with a 450 or so mile range, and I can “recharge” it in about three minutes. Living in the West, where it is 60+ miles between towns, an electric car simply isn’t reasonable. (and for those who will note that my “recharge” is more expensive than their recharge, I’d also have to point out

I have to say,I haven’t been excited about this one. I love King’s novels (even though the author is a complete tool), but It is the only one I just couldn’t get through. The novel is just so incredibly booring, which is amazing coming from the author of 11.22.63, Under the Dome, The Shining, The Stand, and so many

What about Al Gore: An Inconvenient Truth/Sequel?

Its amazing the range of quality in what is coming up! At one end, you movies like Justice League, Kingsmen, Star Wars, Thor, and (possibly) Little Evil and Bright. At the other end, you have Downsizing, Mother, My Little Pony, Geostorm, Jumanji, Breadwinner, Showman...

In concept, I agree with you 100%. In practice, I have found that while not perfect, the Apple ecosystem version of each individual function is the better one. I started with Windows and Palm OS (then WebOS). Then it was iPhone, then iPad, then AppleTV, then Apple Watch, and finally MacBook. Everything from Mail to

You completely missed his point. Look, in the most elementary way I can explain it, the ability to charge a higher price encourages the reallocation of resources to where they are needed most. So, for example, if I run a water distributor here in Reno, there is no valid reason for me to triple my costs and truck that

Wow, you really might want to pass theses articles over to someone with a little understanding of economics. In the meantime, Walter E. Williams has written extensively about how “gouging” isn’t actually a thing. Research.

They apologized to ward off the mob of stupid people on social media who would attack them for doing nothing wrong.

You saved me the time of having to write exactly that! Unfortunately, most people today, especially the ones at this site, have zero understanding of basic economics. The result is, they go with their hearts. High prices make them feel sad. They can’t follow the next step; better high prices than no products at any

You’re a self parody. You write an entire article mocking a video about the exaggerated disasters America faced under President Obama that never came to pass, only to end the article with similar commentary about the exaggerated disasters America faces under President Trump. Are you really that lacking in self