
Gizmodo has become a complete parody site. Now, five out of six headlines read “Donald Trump, blah, blah, blah, stupid, blah, blah, crazy, blah, blah...” It is getting more and more difficult to wade through the garbage to find actual news. Stick to what you know, tech news.

So, basically, an iPhone with AppleTV for AirPlay, and a keyboard? Not exactly groundbreaking...

They were finally, mostly, back on the right track. I hope this doesn’t derail all that progress. The Expanse, Channel Zero, 12 Monkeys, Killjoys, Dark Matter, Magicians... Sure, there’s Wynona Erp, but every network has a turd, that doesn’t make the whole network hopeless.

This story sounds awfully fishy on the surface. If you’re an airline who has run our of first class seats and you have to move someone, you’ve got a choice to make. If you move the white passenger, the story ends there. If you move the black passenger, you open up a PR can of worms that can never be closed again.

I used to watch Jon Oliver, but I left after discovering (pretty quickly) that his whole act is based on the principle that if I sound snarky, I don’t have to have any facts because Snarky and British make me correct.

“Centrist candidate”? You guys crack me up!

Yeah, right on brother! One donation to the Clinton Global Initia, oh, crap, I mean to the Trump, er, the Trump (hey, what was the Trump slush fund where you could buy influence called again? He had one, didn’t he? I mean, isn’t it a requirement?)

Or, maybe, you could just keep paying the $5 per month for the generic? How, exactly will that change. Most generic prescriptions are under $10 without insurance. That’s why most Rx copays are $10-$15. They know they won’t have to pay for nearly anything on your prescriptions.

This new bill does absolutely nothing to the requirement that pre-existing conditions must be covered. Stop spreading fake news.

Yes, they should all run just like the Department of Motor Vehicles and the Veterans Administration!

Its a good start, but nowhere near enough!

Again, I’m not calling for “cruelty” despite the ever moving definition of cruel and unusual. All I asking for is a little moderation with the obsession over whether the vicious criminal feels any discomfort at all while being executed.

Its not about “celebrating” this aspect, but rather the obsession with making sure that the vicious murderer is put down with absolutely zero discomfort.

You are actually proving the old joke headline to be true:

No mention of the Palm Pre? I loved that little handset, even though the memory leaked so badly you had to endure the five minute reboot every time you wanted to play a game. It led to the demise of Palm, and almost took HP down with it. Surely that qualifies for this list?

A knife enters the victim’s abdomen penetrating the outer skin and cutting the intestine. As the victim screams in pain, the knife is removed and thrust back into the victim’s torso fatally intersecting the heart. The victim then expires after about two minutes of pain. No anesthetic is administered before this act

There’s enough actual garbage spewing from Bill Nye’s mouth that it’s a shame someone thought he had to resort to faking it.

The real issue here is that President Trump is the first president that it has been deemed “ok” to threaten. It started back in the campaign, and it has continued with bloggers, news reporters/commentators, actors, politicians, and many other cultural leaders telling everyone it is perfectly normal to threaten this

Yep, from the people who infamously brought us “George Zimmerman, White Hispanic.” Yet, if you point out the lack of clothing on the emperor, you’re a bigot. Nice try, but if you take a trip outside the bubble, you’ll see that most folks are done with political correctness.

“Bixby, there’s smoke coming from my Samsung phone, what should I do?”