
Wow, you guys at the fake news sites are really triggered by Breitbart! It’s entertaining watching you fumble around looking for your safe spaces.

Ok, sure, let’s all have a laugh, but with public figures this type of thing happens all the time. President Obama once visited “all 57 states,” and his Vice President noted that after the stock market crash in 1929, FDR got on the TV to calm the American public. Laugh, then calm down and realize what we all know he

Wait, where’s the outrage? I thought with “Trump’s stupid hiring ban,” NASA couldn’t get anything done anymore. Seems like this is proof they have way too much time on their hands...

If this is true, it’s very disappointing. I would hate for Breitbart to turn into another CNN or NPR.

This is so egregious and over the top, the skeptical side of me just has to wonder if there is more to the story. I don’t know what more could be to the story, but it is difficult to believe that a company could be so tone-deaf and flat out stupid in its customer relations.

Aside from the obvious disgusting behavior on the part of United here, I find this particularly scary as someone who only travels with family. I’m never on business trips alone. I’m always with my wife and kids. They ask for volunteers to be bumped every time, but we can’t do that. What are the odds there will be

This one might be the first cord cutting solution for me. It has all the channels I need (NBCSN, Fox News, SyFy), and is missing the ones I’d never watch anyway (Comedy Central, CNN, TBS, MTV). About the only two problems I see is the lack of Apple TV support (a dealbreaker at the moment), and the fact that it will

Right Wing Devils are BUYING themselves a New Constitution... by using a provision in the Constitution. Clickbait.

VPN - Secure

VPN - Secure

Ok, I know this is Gawker, so I don’t expect much, but are they aware that you can run Windows AND Mac OS on a Mac? Nowhere in the story does it say he ALWAYS runs Windows on his Mac. Maybe he was working with Excel before the IT guy got there? Maybe he really wanted to play some NBA 2K17?

You’re only angry because you know it’s Gizmodo’s job to promote climate change conspiracies theories! No one likes competition...

Out goes Firefly and X-Files, in comes Bill Nye and Dear White People? Maybe its time to start saving $10 a month?

Its a good starting point...

I see no reason for this. I watch hockey and lacrosse all the time. Sometimes, I’m there live (particularly lacrosse), other times I watch on the 55" TV, other times, 13" MacBook Air, or iPad, or iPhone...

I’ve always wondered what the positive purpose of mosquitoes was. I mean, as much as people hate spiders, they keep other insect populations in check. I despise bees, yet I recognize the role they play in pollination and honey production, for example. So, I’ve always wondered about the “mosquitoes are a huge pest,

Ok, but the real question is, can it be used to spy on us in all “57 States”?

Are these poorer areas paying the same amount as the richer areas, but getting less speed? If so, you definitely have a case here. If not, well then it’s more like complaining that Mercedes isn’t placing as many dealerships in poor areas of Cleveland as they are in the suburbs.

Way to cherry pick your screen-cap.

The best video game movie never had a video game attached to it. That would be Hardcore Henry. A complete recreation of a video game that doesn’t actually exist.

Wow, this looks like a streaming option I could actually use! This one includes NBC and NBCSN, which would compliment my subscription for when the Isles are on national TV or for Stanley Cup playoffs. Of course, I’m sure they’ll add Reno network affiliates sometime around 2020...