
I’ve got three vehicles, a Buick, a Chrysler, and a Honda. All three have the gas cap on the left side. I found it interesting, because it seemed from the article that the bulk of them are on the right.

Yes! This is an excellent article. With regard to gaming, as you mentioned the NES, I’m happy to install the Atari emulator on my iPhone (the official one, not a jailbreak emulator) and play actual Atari 2600 games, but I refuse to purchase a “pixel” game today. If your game is new, then make it new. If you make

Seriously? Gizmodo is nothing more than another hack fake news site. If you look carefully, occasionally you can find some useful tech news, but you have to swim through liberal tears to get there.

A man of his word, who does what he said he do? Yep, Reagan would be proud!

Just hang in there, the NutRoots Convention can’t be too far behind for you...

Please share with Nevada! Half hour into nightly lacrosse practice and I can no longer feel my fingers or toes!

And notice that he’s “chicken 💩” for not standing up to the oil industry, by courageously standing up to the Climate Industry.

I bet you’d be just as freaked out if Facebook sponsors the NutRoots convention too? Of course, only people who disagree with you are repugnant and scary. Now, back to the bubble with you...

This article is a bit of a relief. I had worried about her past support of the Common Core National Standards, but if she realizes that the Federal Government has no constitutional place in education, then maybe she’s ok. Also, she appears to realize that there are new ways to do things that creative people are

Plenty of Trump Memes already:

Your Star Trek points are very reasonable, except I don’t think people are complaining that Star Trek should be free, but more that we shouldn’t have to pay twice. The show will be on Netflix everywhere else, but here they want us to pay up for a CBS service that offers nothing else. Its that or a VPN service(a

Another piece of the Trump 2020 campaign brought to you by the ever hysterical Democrats. Keep it up. No, I mean it, please, please keep it up. We need at least eight years to fix the damage.

I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised that you’re still peddling the myth that the Central Park Five are innocent:

I have to thank you for this article. I’ve been a teacher for 27 years, and I had my doubts about Betsy DeVos. My concern was that she had been a proponent of the Common Core National Standards, but now was claiming she was actually against it. While I still fear that she may push to continue Common Core under a

The problem isn’t with Facebook, it’s with “hate speech.” Hate speech, unfortunately, only means “speech that I disagree with and have no counter argument with.” In practice, censoring it fails miserably. Just look to Twitter for examples. It’s killing that platform.

So, like this?

Hey, we’re incredibly lucky. Do you realize how close we were to having The Joker as president?

Oh the burn! I should keep this going, next your reply will be “your face!”

File under: “Things that are obvious...”

Excellent! I may just go back to watching now...