
Perhaps your question should be directed to President Obama?

It is difficult to argue with your eloquence. Perhaps there may be some schools outside your bubble?

Yes, just like President Obama’s Muslim Ban in 2011 and President Carter’s Muslim Ban in 1980...

Keep calling it a “Muslim Ban.” #fakenews

Yes, Orwell warned us about double-speak which tells us not to believe our eyes (we’ve always been at war with Eurasia), but rather to believe what the government tells us (a man can be a woman if he really, really wishes it). The socialist government (Ingsoc) was the totalitarian state, regulating every aspect of

Hey, look a the bright side, at least he’s not a Democrat. If he were, his tweet would have read “password.”

Grain of salt required. These are the same people who told us we were doomed under President “Ray-Gun.” Since we already died in a nuclear holocaust in the 1980's, we no longer have to worry about this.

Or CNN, NPR, or MSNBC...

Feel good story of the day. Thank you for reporting this. Its gratifying for these bureaucrats to have to feel the dread that the rest of the country has felt for eight long years!

This is great advice... for newbie morons. By the time I’ve actually resorted to seeking help from another human, I’ve rebooted. I’ve made sure everything is plugged in. I’m careful about security (down to running antivirus, scanning regularly, and using a VPN), and I don’t use porn.

“What do we want? Government funding!

So much progress in just six days! Imagine how great we will be in eight years! These are exciting times.

I’m a conservative, we’re too busy working and taking care of our families to have “safe spaces.”


Fighting the entrenched anti-science Left is a tough battle, but we picked the right man for the job. Thank you National Parks Service for contributing to the Trump 2020 campaign.

It’s a promising start. He promised to rein in the out of control regulatory agencies, and he’s been good to his word. It looks like we’re in for a good eight years of repairing the damage previous administrations have done.

You are correct insofar as the law of the United States does not recognize dual citizenship, but just like immigration laws, the United States never enforces it.