
Yes, these people who bought property last year in NZ did so because Trump was going to ruin the United States. Of course, everyone KNEW Hillary was going to win back then, so they spent money to escape a fascist dictator who stood zero chance of being elected? Sounds more like they wanted to escape the fascist

So just because you’re too “f_cking lazy to learn another language [English] does not put the onus rest of the world [the United States] to learn yours.” I’ll go with that.

Or, just a crazy thought here, maybe if you don’t speak English, you use Google translate or Microsoft translate and translate the page yourself?

Wow, it’s eerie how well he nailed the past eight years! Fortunately, the one thing he was wrong about was the power of the people to change things. Often, we just go along hopelessly, but every once in a while, we are moved to action. 2016 was one of those moments.

So, we should expect to see more stories like this one too?

I’m throwing an inauguration party tomorrow! We’ve survived eight long years, now its time to celebrate the end of an error!

Yeah, because climate scientists are all about “preserving data.” <iframe src="//" width="480" height="268" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="">via GIPHY</a></p>

Why is California left out of all blackout projections? Is it because they rely on solar, wind, and unicorn farts, so they’re already used to regular blackouts?

Still, no screwup so far can compare to the original one of putting it on an online pay service that’s offers absolutely nothing to pay for other than this show. The rest of the world (and the smart people with VPNs) will watch this on Netflix, which has much more to offer.

Best advice is not to switch. I have been a Windows user since 1.0 (which, granted was more a proof of concept, Windows wasn’t something you could use until 3.1), and I recently made the switch to a MacBook Air. Unless you’re a hardcore gamer, there is no reason to switch to Windows. I’m not a Windows hater. I use


Well, that’s kind of appropriate then, when you consider that the story she recounted of President Trump mocking a disabled reporter was also fake.

Wow, considering the Roomba we bought two years ago has only ever successfully completed a cleaning cycle and returned to base twice, I may have to consider this one! If it can go more than a minute without wedging itself under furniture, its an improvement!

Well, they say it just falls out on its own. Apparently, they don’t know any actual humans.

Its a pretty good idea, but typically, they rely on partisan “fact checkers” to do their fact checking, so it results in failure.

Yep, go right to racism. So typical.

I bailed on Evernote when they started charging for everything. I switched to just the notes app in iOS (and MacOS), and I like it so much better anyway. It’s a minor nuisance when I’m using Windows computers at work, but I can just use iCloud for notes there.

Please stop embarrassing yourself. “Manthreading?” When you sound like a post from The Onion, it’s time to stop.

Well, we’ve just seen what one can do in eight years, so maybe it’s time to try something new?