
Maybe he should pick “We have to pass the bill (Obamacare) in order to find out what’s in the bill,” Nancy Pelosi?

Guys, seriously, don’t pick a fight with Breitbart, you are so out of your league:

This is a relief. I was worried after the meeting with the Goracle.

I teach in a school with nine other teachers. Including me, three of us wear Apple Watches. 30%. In my family, 50% of us have Apple Watches. If you watch NHL games, you’ll notice that most of the trainers wear them. The best indicator, however, is a trip to Disneyland. While there in October, I noticed that every

That’s actually a good thing. We only watch Flash and Legends in our house (I buy both on iTunes so we don’t have to put up with the Reno CW affiliate and it’s awful SD picture with random commercials playing over content). I set the DVR to catch Arrow and Supergirl this week, but now I can just skip Supergirl.

It’s hard to feel too bad for these folks. I mean, as a public school teacher, we have always had Christmas parties and we have always had to pay for them ourselves. On the bright side, however, they aren’t mandatory, so I just skip them.

Ok, you have proven that you are able to create a list. Now, how about you create a list of “conquered people who have been treated better than the American Indian”? Just listing random people doesn’t count.

This is a conflict of interest, but a judge from LaRaza presiding over a Trump trial isn’t? Nope, that one’s just raaaaaacism...

So, you choose not to answer the question? I’ll wait...

Well, as a history teacher, I’m gonna go with you’re a moron.

Wow, this is frightening and wholly unprecedented! President Obama would NEVER have done something like this.

If you cannot see the difference between private land and a public accommodation, we really cannot continue to waste time trying to educate you here.

Wait a minute, nice try with the non-sequitur there, but while we did break several treaties shamefully in the past, the United States has treated Native Americans extraordinarily well on balance. Name another people that have been conquered, then get free housing and health care, no taxes, and get to build casinos

Oooh, Fight Club really nailed it, that’s a great example!

Well, we had that godawful 1984 movie that had nothing to do with the book (except for sandworms), and then the 2000 SciFi channel miniseries which completely redeemed the cinematic production of Dune with a film that stayed close to both the words and the spirit of the novel. Hopefully, this is more the latter than

Avatar was the ultimate “fire and forget” film. It looked amazing, but five minutes later, all you remember is that the 3D was really cool. Plot, such as it was, is totally gone.

Look at 1977's version of the “future” of 1999 in Space 1999. Even better, check out the 1960's version of 1980 in U.F.O. Its hilarious!

So, they’re burning stuff, causing damage, and not dispersing when the police use rubber bullets and such. Now the police use water cannons to disperse them and its all “boo hoo, poor protesters are getting wet.” Would you rather they shoot them? When protesters become vandals, they have to be removed. Otherwise,

I’ve gone through many routers over the years, form the cheapo Linksys types to some $350 beam forming routers, and none lasted more than 6 months before they started dropping connections or requiring multiple reboots a day to stay running. From the time my son was five, he knew what to do when I sent him to “power