
Like so many other knee-jerk PC ninnies, you assume that any and all negativity about the new Ghostbusters is misogyny. The problem with an all-female Ghostbusters was never that the cast was all female. The problem is that the entire point of the movie is that the cast is all female. It doesn’t help that they

How sad is it to read about the “controversial” rifle?

Yeah, we need it to me more strict? Its already insane. I post videos of my lacrosse team after every game. Within minutes, I’ll get a copyright notice after uploading. Usually, the problem consists of someone’s phone going off near the camera with a ringtone that gets flagged. Sometimes, there is no music in there at

I’ve only been to Coors Field, but it was pretty nice there (at least driving in). How is it around the Pepsi Center (are they still calling it that? The place where the Avs play)

Now I’m a little less angry at the Lightning for eliminating my Islanders (beat the Penguins, and all is forgiven...)

I’d love to have better Siri on AppleTV. Its not bad on the iPhone now, but every time I ask “what did he say?” on my Apple TV, I get “what did he?” which then proceeds to show me what other movies the actor has been in . “What did he say” was one of the main reasons I wanted the new Apple TV (I have teenage boys who

Ugh, really don’t like it. And I’m saying this as a huge Brooklyn Nets fan, but there is a place for black and white, and my iPhone isn’t it!

You left out the part about Kevo only working about 60% of the time. I normally have to fish my iPhone out of my pocket and bring the app to the forefront before it will work, a process that is more cumbersome than regular keys.

As long as there are medical malpractice lawyers, you will never have an open system to fix this. Period.

It's a lie. Most people won't hit the cap, but it isn't just digital pirates that will hit that cap. There are plenty of legitimate family uses that will occasionally hit that cap.

I was angry about this story too, until I read the price. I live in Charter monopoly and while we have unlimited data, we also pay $67 a month. So, yeah, I'd take $50 a month unlimited in a heartbeat!

Or, I could get an iPad. Seriously?!! $300 for an ereader? Are you insane?

Rarely do you see a summer with so many “just can’t wait to see” movies(Star Trek, X-Men, Civil War, Now You See Me, ID, Pets, Suicide Squad) and so many “so bad it’s hard to believe they got made” movies (Ghostbusters- This Time Its Female!!!, High Snowpiercer Rise, Lobster, Alice, TMNT, Swiss Army, Tarzan, Sausage

Wow, Mystique is in Supergirl? I never bothered with this show because I figured it would just be all you described it to be here. Glad I passed.

90 days? What, are they nuts? How is anyone supposed to accurately predict things like temperature as far out as 90 days? 20 years, sure that’s totally doable, but 90 days? Who would believe that?

It’s funny, but your opening paragraph is a perfect description of why I never got into The Walking Dead years ago.

But it looks great now, and that's exactly the point. These stadiums are supposed to revitalize areas, and the article is all about how they don't here in America, citing Queens and Detroit. They both look like crap AFTER the stadium was built.

I think you clicked “publish” a week early. An affliction called “IED” that causes people to act explosively...

They must all be in the other 50% then.

So you got Queens and Detriot, any others? I mean, kinda low hanging fruit to make your point. What about Denver, San Francisco, Brooklyn...