
You’ve got a couple of things wrong here. First, you mention that we have failed to build enough housing, when in actuality, we have been regulated out of building most of that housing in urban areas. San Francisco is an excellent example of this, and they have the highest housing costs in the nation.

Another reason why this election cannot happen soon enough! We need some actual leadership in DC before the damage is irreversible!

So, just to be clear, if you hire a white actor to play an Egyptian, that's bad, and if you hire a white actor to play an Asian, that's really bad, but if you hire a white actor to play a white character, that's bad too? What's left?

I’ll try to say this as kindly as I can, you need help. To misquote a great comedian, I love Star Trek, but it don’t LOVE love Star Trek. I don't even get this worked up about the Islanders ( and that's a lot more grief than Star Trek can give you!). Enjoy it for what it is, and if you don't enjoy it, don't watch it.

At lease after Trump wins you'll still have cash to move to Canada. If Sanders wins, you're stuck here buddy (unless you can walk it).

I'm with you brother. First the government forces a company to break their own security, next they force a pharmaceutical company into manufacturing drugs for lethal injection, before you know it they'll be forcing individuals to buy health insurance...

I’ve had no luck with “Play the first episode of,” or “play the most recent episode of...” it never knows what to do with that. Otherwise its great, but that is disappointing.

The Islanders aren’t going anywhere. They didn’t move to Brooklyn on a whim, and they aren’t going to pack up and move back to Nassau Coliseum at midnight. Stop dreaming and come back to reality.

Defending liberty and abiding by the Constitution is doing harm? Nevertheless, congrats on your speedy proof of Godwin’s Law!

Batty Ginsberg spent 20 years next to Scalia and learned nothing, proving she has no learning curve.

You are disgusting! Not only do we lose one of the greatest legal minds that this country has ever known, but we lose a great defender of Liberty as well. What do you do? You do a happy dance because your imaginary problem is now solved. You should be ashamed.

After seeing Roger Rabbit again recently, it really didn’t hold up. I remember really enjoying it in the theater, but it just isn’t a very good film by today’s standards (and I’m talking about story/acting, not technology). Space Jam just wasn’t very good in the first place. It was just a 90 minute Jordan commercial.

Fortunately, this whole plan is DOA.

AppleTV voice control has been pretty hit or miss. I love being able to “skip forward 90 seconds” for NHL TV timeouts. On the other hand, I asked it to “play the first episode of Dracula” for my wife the other day and it didn’t know what to do. I eventually asked it to “play Dracula” at which point it brought up a

Clearly, we just need to ban talking on your phone while driving, oh, wait, we did that. Ok, then just ban texting while, oh, did that too. Shouldn't highway deaths be falling? The nanny state has us covered.

And the best part about printing photos is that they can be instantly deleted by your dog without any technical know how.

Good to know I’m not the only person in the universe who thinks this show is trash. Its just incredibly dull. Comedy sans comedy.

What always amazes me is when I see people walking through casinos (I'm from Nevada) talking on their phones. Whenever I try to have a phone conversation in a place that is even slightly noisy, it's like trying to understand an adult in a Peanuts cartoon. Yet, somehow, these people are able to carry on a conversation

So, that would be “no” then?

DDT is used sparingly in the third world, primarily because it is politically difficult to get people to use it. We banned it here, then we tell them it’s ok to use there, and they are understandably suspicious. Nevertheless, you cannot deny that we had nearly eradicated malaria from sub-Saharan Africa by the late