
Please, name one cancer case caused by DDT? Just one. In the meantime, millions have died in Africa from the DDT ban. Rachel Carson ranks between Hitler and Mao in the leaderboard of worlds greatest killers.

We get rid of DDT, and then we start dying from mosquitoes. Maybe the solution is to be less fearful of chemicals? Bring back DDT, save lives. Simple.

Good luck there. None of them can touch Apple Music.

Hmmm, another reason to pass. I still cannot see a purpose for Cortana on an iPhone (where you already have the far superior Siri), but I’ve taken to disabling Cortana on my work PC too. I’m a teacher, and I use a Promethean board in class. Cortana mis-fires at least once a period. Popping up to answer a “question” I

Star Wars looms larger for one simple reason, which you hit upon in your article, they blow a lot of shit up. That's what most people want to see. Star Trek ponders, philosophizes, argues, agonizes, makes you think... then occasionally blows something up. I enjoy Star Wars as a mindless couple of hours of

We need more “zero emissions vehicles.”

Great, now one of the worst movies ever made can become one of the worst movies ever re-made. What's next, a reboot of Plan 9 from Outer Space?

I had none of these problems in the first place. I found Apple Music to buffer without any delay, even on vacation with a weak cell signal. I've really liked it.

As long as they don't play wall to wall steaming crap like Beats 1, I'll try it.

I really enjoy playing actual retro games (particularly being old enough that these games weren’t “retro” when I first played them), but I am so sick and tired of new “retro” games. Half of the garbage in the Apple App Store is 8-bit style, and it has really gotten old. I still love playing Donkey Kong, but I have

Don’t be too embarrassed, A Day To Remember did an outstanding remake of that song. I hadn’t heard the original until after I heard the remake, and ADTR’s version is so much better!

I’m sorry, but I just can’t keep up with your powerful debating skills...

Unfortunately, you are discussing this with people who don’t realize that the earth extends beyond what they can see from their penthouse apartment.

Assuming a pace of 5 mph, I could easily walk to work in a mere 12 hours!

And, don’t forget, as the great Frank Herbert pointed out, a walking population is easier to control.

The only people making money are those paid by Big Green to advance the Global Warming religion. The skeptical scientists (aka “scientists”) just lose their jobs or keep their heads down as their funding vanishes.

Yes, science is the opposite of religion, which is why you cling to your debunked faith despite the evidence to the contrary. I really wouldn’t mind if you and your co-religionists stuck to yourselves, but you are trying to alter all of our lives, raise the price of fuel, and kill third world people in the process. At

As long as you only like a couple of songs, Amazon Music is for you. Can't argue with the price. Nevertheless, Aple Music is so much better it is worth the premium price.

It was cool when it was the only player doing what it does, but now that we have Apple Music which far surpasses Spotify, there really is no reason for it.

Sorry, I’m not a member of your religion, so I don’t know your standard of “discredited.” For most of the world, “discredited “ refers to things like Mann and his hockey stick.