
Or... the NFL and NBA could get off their collective a$$es and make viable minor leagues like the NHL and MLB do. That way, potential players could go the professional (including Major Junior for hockey) route to the big leagues bypassing the "cartel" completely. Most NHL players do not go through the NCAA system. It

Not so much. First, my whole family uses the Apple TV, so they need the remote. Second, Remote App is a monstrous battery suck. Do you really want to keep your screen all lit up for a couple of hours while you watch TV? (And if you think you can watch more than a few minutes of TV at a time without pausing or

Thus cementing iTunes Radio as the music player of choice for everyone else now...

This just goes to prove that all the whining about the Apple Maps "Apocalypse" was just a bunch of urban weenies who don't drive. For the rest of America, Apple Maps worked just great and it added what Google Maps never had, turn-by-turn navigation. Now, Google has caught up a bit by adding turn-by-turn, but Apple

The point is that you can watch their content anywhere. I'm fine with the services that are tied to the subscription, they need to get paid for providing the service after all, but I despise the ones that offer you no alternative. ESPN, for example. They don't offer their service to DirecTV subscribers, but they offer

Cord cutting will never happen as long as we have unreliable Internet service. I have Charter, and in the morning I get 30+ Mbps, but as soon as it hits 6PM, my speed drops to 1-2 Mbps. Every night. Welcome to American Internet on an overloaded node and a ISP that won't do anything about it (they don't have to,

The beach we visit at the Jersey Shore took out restrooms long ago to keep away the day trippers. Of course, the end result is that everyone just pees in the ocean. Duh.

I have a smartTV that does most of these things, but I added an AppleTV for my iTunes collection and to mirror. As it turns out, the AppleTV interface is so nice that I use it for everything rather than using the SmartTV interface.

Saving Private Ryan

Me too. I've found that it rarely is able to identify a song or TV show from my home theater when the sound level is pretty loud. Other times, it identifies songs in a noisy environment like it used to.

That's so you can deposit checks form your phone. A very valuable service (especially if you use an online bank like USAA).

Well, as someone who lives near Reno, I can tell you that the weather is excellent. Sure, it gets colder at night than their range, and hotter by day in summer, but there is no more beautiful place to live. More sun than anywhere else in the US! (and the "bad" weather makes for great skiing)

Cats are awesome. The rats can suck it.

All excellent points. The only problem I see is the ability to change ISPs when they do something wrong. It isn't knowledge so much as a lack of choice in the first place. In many places, the current ISP is the only game in town. Recently, in my area Charter has had a network problem that causes my 30 Mbps

I recommend they call it "Seborrhea." Now that the "Gruntmaster 6000" is taken, that's the last term left that isn't someone's trademark.

Well, yeah. It's that or pay much more and face data caps with Verizon. And as I mentioned, Verizon's data is less than 1Mbps and often zero, so why would I pay for that at all, let alone pay more?

Charter and Sprint, no data caps. Unfortunately, my Charter service which is 30 to 50 Mbps normally, often drops to under 1Mbps for hours, days or weeks at a time. It isn't throttling, just overloaded network. The Charter tech has told me that the node needs an "upgrade" but they don't have an upgrade planned, so

I can't speak for KC, but I get pretty consistent 3G speeds here in Northern Nevada, and the LTE in Reno is excellent. Unfortunately, I work in Verizon territory, so I'm roaming most of the day, and when their data is working it all, it never tops 0.15 Mbps. Sorry, but that's just awful. I'll stick to Sprint.

I can sympathize. Although I'm a Nets fan, I'm also a life long (well since 1972) Islanders fan. People forget the greatness of the franchise after mismanagement, particularly a small market team or an "other team" in the market. I live in the Kings market (Nevada) and I can attest to the mismanagement you speak of as

Three, Two, One, commence Sprint hating...