
Yep, you nailed it. On Gawker, the equation is simple: Rebublican = Bad, Democrat = Good.

Perhaps they should have just dumped the money into another well-connected Green energy company and watch it burn there instead?

OK, but if you take into account the wild inflation of the past four years, the prices are actually lower in today's dollars.

I ordered League Pass Mobile on my iPhone to watch the Nets during the NHL lockout (I have NHL Center Ice on DirecTV every other season), and I have to say the service has been excellent. Granted, several games are blacked out due to national TV, or due to regional rights (against the Kings and Warriors for me), but

We've had modem rental fees for many years here with Charter. If you want a deal to fume at, check this out. About four years ago, they jacked up my Internet frmo $55 to $65 per month. They added a $10 surcharge for "not bundling." Essentially, a DirecTV fee on our cable Internet. When I inquired, they told me I

It is a sad statement on the worthlessness of a college education today. Unfortunately, my state of Nevada has the inglorious distinction of being the only state to be both uneducated and ignorant.

Pandora's still great, and even better now that I can open it while driving using Siri!

Or Seborrhea, that's still available (Dilbert joke)

Better act yesterday, Amazon just delivered my Windows 8 Ultrabook...

Really? I suppose you've never seen the video of the undercover reporter who asks for a ballot as Eric Holder? The poll worker is happy to allow him to vote as Eric Holder. The only thing that stops him is the fact that the reporter doesn't want to break the law, so he leaves, but promises to be back "faster than

Yes, it is hard to live without an ID, but just imagine how hard it would be to vote over and over again in the same election if they checked ID? That's why the Democrats fight voter ID.

"Yeah, the GOP had better stop using the Black Panthers to intimidate Republican voters at the polls in Philly or, er, wait, that's OK. Never mind..." -Eric Holder

These DRM restrictions drive otherwise law abiding people to piracy, then the content providers complain about piracy! Most people are willing to pay for an experience that is at least equal to the "free" experience, but when you punish the law-abiding, don't be shocked when they stop obeying the law!

Personally, I've never had anything but world class, outstanding service from Amazon. With that said, if the ebook sellers continue to encumber their lrgitimate books with DRM, like the MP3s of old, then they will simply drive people to get books illegally. After all, no one can take away a book that you got from a

The unlimited data is really great. We've been really happy with Sprint for nearly a decade now. I sure hope that doesn't change!

Phew, it sure is a good thing Congress made cloning of dinosaurs illegal, isn't it? Yep, over the protestations of Michael Crichton himself, who told this that Jurassic Park was, you know, fiction, they still thought it was important enough to make the impossible technology illegal, right up there with the plastic

I got the same notice when I put up video of the "Reno Balloon Races Dawn Patrol." Apparently "Dawn Patrol" is a music artist and I was in copyright violation. Its still up there though.


All this hype and hyperbole over Apple Maps. I've been using it since the iOS 6 update, and there has only been one minor error. Making mountains out of molehills...

I use turn by turn (why else would you have a GPS app?), and I have been using TeleNav both on my iPhone and on my Pre before that. Sure Apple Maps isn't as good as TeleNav, but it has two major plusses. First, it is integrated. If I opened a link before, it took me to the useless Google Maps, now it opens in