
I like how white guys have to worry about imagined threats of things that haven’t happened but they think will, while everyone else has to worry about shit that is actually happening to them right now.

“Can you make a good comedy movie any more, or have they made it so dangerous in terms of being cancelled, that comedy movies are no longer something you can do?”

It’s almost as if comedy is a highly contextual medium, Joe. As the cultural shifts the comedy has to shift with it. If you don’t like it, make better comedy

If I knew which holiday inn bathroom they were in I’d seal the door shut and then brick it up so we didn’t have to deal with these two fucking idiots.

Breyer needs to retire ASAP. He’ll be 83 in August and we don’t need another repeat of RBG. Plus with a 50/50 split in the Senate and a midterm election next year nothing is guaranteed. If Republicans take back the Senate McConnell would have zero qualms about holding a vacancy open for however many years it takes

Cheney seems to think she is battling Trumpism alone. But Trumpism is the entirety of the Republican Party. Trump is the natural conclusion of the anti-intellectualism and state sponsored fake news ushered in by Bush and her father. McCain and Palin entrenched it. Trump is simply benefiting from the ground work laid

Keep in mind; the GOP/conservatives know damn well that this is the truth. That’s not the problem. The problem they have with reliable birth control is that it eliminates both a vital source of control over women and a permanent underclass that can be exploited through generations for reliable voting blocs and cheap

It’s almost as if pregnancy isn’t even the real issue...

This is something that keeps being brought up recently, but doesn’t seem to have sunk into the public consciousness. Everything is always put upon the girls/women. You see the campaigns telling women to watch their drinks in public places, how to stay safe walking home etc. What you don’t see is anything teaching the

Agreed. Sprouts is super cheap with great weekly deals. I never went to AJ’s, too expensive.

If there is a trial, I want Sasha Baron Cohen to dress up as Borat and demand to be called as a witness.

I don’t care how publicly humiliated he gets. I want this fucker to do some hard, hard time.

Let me guess, another white guy having a “bad day”?

Watching Mayor Bottoms do everything she can to course correct the press conference after that dumb cop talked about what a “rough day” it was for this poor “addict” who took responsibility for his actions... I know black women cleaning up the messes of mediocre white men is nothing new but seeing it happen in real

It’s probably one of those deals where someone has a politically motivated preference for using a particular name (like Burma/Myanmar, Byzantium/Constantinople/Istanbul, or Gypsy/Roma/Romani).

Like this?

Yes. I’m confident the numbers are higher than 1 in 3 (I believe the article mentioned 1 in 4 in the US). I hadn’t had many partners before I met my wife, but even including female friends with whom I was close enough to have talked about such things, every single one of them had a story of assault in some form or

I don’t condone violence. But if I saw that man on the street I would be hard pressed to not show his throat my fist.

I’m sorry if it hurt or offended you.

The threat is real. Here in Europe people are getting impatient and the start of spring doesn’t help. Of course there’s also the fact that we’re now about 1 year later and in a worse position than when it started. People don’t want to even take the effort any more and just ignore warnings. This will backfire

Someone got their Jane Austen Fanfic made into a show! I’m nakedly jealous. No one’s picked up my 10-book series yet.