
Get a divorce stat, I see no signs of anything worth saving in your relationship and just saying you’ve got 20 years invested is no good reason to keep trudging on. Live on your own WITHOUT being in a relationship for at least a year. Get your shit together and be your own person, THEN you can go about hoping to find

Maybe it’s the kind of job where she can wear a mask and stay 6 feet away from people quite easily, and she didnt’ account for her clients being horrible selfish stupid jerks?

Because she still had bills to pay and there hasn’t been any serious relief from the government? They also may have misled her about the numbers or any number of things.

Her position is far more understandable to me than those who knowingly threw a large (!) wedding (!!) when the groom had Covid (!!!) during a

Maybe she wanted to feed her kids and keep a roof over their heads?

Also, no one but you and your mom really gives a fuck about your wedding at the best of times.

I don’t know any of the people involved, but my guess is these women might rest easier in peace if we all got a little more outraged at a system that allows this person get a four-month prison sentence (“rough” or otherwise) and now have to cope with some sadness.

To each his own.  I want to make stories like this not

You’re right. Great kicker, but the final line in that story is a gut punch that perfectly encapsulates why I’ve lost so much faith in Americans, for sure, and maybe humanity (for context, the photographer wasn’t told anyone had tested positive, and has asthma and 3 kids):

I think he finally found an opponent who is as petty, vindictive, and stubborn as he is, only with the money to back it up in court: Palm Beach property owners.

I keep picturing him carrying his tray into the cafeteria, and no one wants him to sit at their table, like in middle school.

I’m with you. I really like McMansion Hell’s more scholarly and historical posts (as opposed to her deeply hysterical mansion-tour posts) for this kind of info, if you want a similar education with much less snide.

The perfect mudroom setup has been lurking in my subconscious, and my Pinterest boards, even though I don’t have a mudroom or space for one. I guess that makes it aspirational for me. But as with so much of the aspirational stuff that floats around in the untethered areas of my brain, the idea was clearly seeded there

I spent a decade assuring college students starting my classes terrified of books that I gave even less of a shit about the symbolism of the color green than they did. 

Chris Brown is basically the first 5 entries on the Worst POC Chris list.

Van Houten stabbed Rosemary LaBianca on August 9-10"

I don’t know what California parole boards are like, but parole boards in general are pretty strict about ever recommending parole. Parole is just not something that is granted cavalierly. So my guess is that this is not about a person who was locked up in her 20s, for a murder she committed when she was 19, and who

I’m reposting my reply to a Takeout article with a similar question, here we go!

Sadly, so SO much time.

The Satanic Temple needs to make some sauce out of this ruling real quick.

This has me mad like a freshly stomped hornet’s nest.

This made me so mad. It was ruled in the guise of “freedom of religion.” I thought freedom of religion meant that you couldn’t be persecuted, jailed, or shot for practicing your religion, not that you had to gather in 100's in one room during a pandemic so you could infect 1000's of others. What about other people’s