
I have always contended that evo psych was invented by middle-aged college professors to justify being predatory towards barely legal coeds.

If you are treating dating like a Bloodsport marital arts competition, maybe you’d be better off single. 

Rightfully, criticism has been aimed at the fact that the media wouldn’t be covering this to such an extent if Gabby wasn’t a pretty white girl.

Some state needs to mirror this Texas legislation, but for guns. Legislate that citizens can report illegal guns or gun use. Vigilantism isn’t just for the radical right. As soon as something like that passes, the SC will find some way to ban it, and the repercussions will fall on the abortion law.

Of course the best w

So he likes Modest Mouse? That could be a reason to dump him....

I’m going back and forth between being furious and feeling sick to my stomach.

Yes, I just read that Deb Haaland, the Interior secretary in the US is doing a commission to look into it in the US. I hope that there is a full investigation and the truth comes out.

The schools were run by the Catholic church, so it’s just one more example of the predatory, abusive, genocidal nature of the Church.

Yes, I agree. I think there is some nuance to actors transforming into characters even though Hazel made some excellent points. I don’t remember it totally, maybe watching it back today I wouldn’t like it so much, but as someone who was on the thinner side when I was younger and am now firmly on the fat side, I

Too fucking late I think. I stopped buying from Victoria’s Secret at about 2007. Bras that fit were upwards of $40 and in the sale bin, good fucking luck trying to find your size. I switched to Aerie and I couldn’t be happier not only in terms of fit but also price. 

the white people outraged about velma

People want this to be a lab leak because it’s a lot easier to cope with the idea that “if China just had tighter lab security none of this would have happened” than it is to cope with the idea that pandemics are going to pop up every once in a while, and it is painfully obvious that we are totally unprepared in all

To a degree it’s completely beside the point - if it was a lab leak, then it was a virus that was already out there in the wild and could have gotten to humanity at any time.

(Unfortunately, either way, the time happened to be when the dumber among us had partnered with a 220-year-old mistake to put a syphilitic game

Now playing

This show was about the women, not the men.

Absolutely. Mad Men deserved every award it got. Christina Hendricks was completely brilliant as she played a woman who realized that her sexuality was always, always, always going to be what was noticed first, and how she forced those circumstances in her favor. The fact that it mirrors her actual life is sad,

As a former valedictorian, former Texan, and current abortion care worker: Hell to the Fucking Yes. What courage and smarts she has to do this. Talking about abortion bans in a valedictorian speech is gutsy even in a liberal state. To do so in Texas, even more so times ten.

How about the Jezebel comments section? Can I be horny here? I’m just saying, some of the fellow commenters here know how to spin an exciting anecdote.

Cover up her head and Kendall Jenner truly looks like a Barbie doll come to life.

Ok now you announced it.....SHUT THE FUCK UP.  No press tours, no slap happy ‘associate’ making stupid statements to a frothing Don Lemon....nothing.

Wow, these are some really fucking dumb defenses. Though, I would laugh and laugh and laugh it they somehow turned it into a huge class action suit against Fox News from these people.