
Lock yourself in a room and eat nothing for a month. I guarantee you’ll lose weight. Anybody that says they diet all the time and can’t lose weight are sneaking pizza slices and ice cream bars.

Read the comments here and see how many people are resistant to the fact that calories in, calories out governs how our body gains, maintains, and loses weight. The sugar one is my personal favorite of misinformation.

You were in a caloric deficit therefore you lost weight. Intermittent fasting allowed you to be in a caloric deficit so you could lose weight. However, if you were in an equivalent caloric deficit WITHOUT intermittent fasting, you’d still have lost weight. That is what the study is saying.

Nice satire...this is satire, right?

The theory however is wrong. All benefits of time restrictive eating are a result of caloric restriction. There are peer reviewed high quality studies showing this, they’re in agreement, time restrictive eating has no physiological difference in the long term on human health as opposed to any other form of caloric

Literally everything this dude wrote is wrong, though lots of hucksters pushing it on social media. 

Nice mechanistic theory. Literally no study supports this. The insulin model has been discredited countless times. This is quackery. I eat over 100 grams of sugar a day and over 300 carbs most days, while maintaining 13% body fat and have lost and maintained over a 60 lbs of fat loss. If your theory was correct that

There are literally studies showing that artificial sweeteners have no affect on insulin. There are also studies comparing low fat vs low carb diets in a metabolic ward (an incredibly accurate way of measuring caloric expenditure and thus fat loss) and there was no statistical difference, although the low fat group

The number of things wrong with this comment would make VoluntaryProofreader have to go for a lie down.

Every year when I explain to non-Muslims how Ramadan fasting works they always says “you must lose a ton of weight” and I always just shake my head because when you eat doesn’t dictate losing weight, it’s how much you eat.  And when you fast for long stretches of time in a day you tend to make bad choices when you do

It doesn’t matter when you’re eating, so much as what you’re eating.”

Appeal to authority to justify the previous fallacy… 

Caffeine is a stimulant. THC is primarily a depressant with hallucinogen and stimulatory effects. Completely different compounds. As for the other example you used that is a pure reductio ad absurdum fallacy.

As a general rule of thumb I’d avoid intoxicants during exercise. Seems like a good rule. 

They scrapped so much from the Lost World and ended up using some of the scenes in the third one. The book is fantastic the movie not so much.

I think it’s fair to say that this movie was great *because* of Whedon and not in spite of him. I know it’s in vogue to declare that the guy is an irredeemable monster and dismiss all of his strengths as a result, but he is an incredible talent who has produced a lot of top-tier work.

Within the first Act of this film, I was thinking to myself, “Wow, this is easily going to rank as on of my favorite films of all time.” And by the closing scene, yep, there’s a good chance it has outclassed Tarsem’s “The Fall” for my Number 1 spot.

A good time to encourage people to see Everything Everywhere, as it’s friggin’ amazing.

Doing dumb things and making mistakes are mutually exclusive. Dumb things are done intentionally despite intelligence telling us otherwise.  Mistakes and failure are not intentional. No kid goes out intentionally to fail.  They will intentionally do dumb things however.

I just say, “Don’t be dumb.” We all know what that means and so do they.