
I think that’s a bit hyperbolic to assume MOBAs are somehow inherently shallow. They’re two different beasts, it’s like apples and oranges. I don’t blame folks though, it’s one of the reasons I made the swap. League is way easier to pick up than SCII, whereas both still take considerable effort to master.

It’s a swastika WITHIN an iron cross. There’s no confusion here.


While you’re decidedly wrong about that, I WOULD like to see some badass mecha.

Terraformars is quite good mind you :)

Good thing this is neither of them.

it’s been a long time since I played FF7 but I’m pretty sure this was an element in the original game, too.

Amalur: Exactly what I was thinking. At least this time individuals paid this money, not an entire state enterprise fund.

The funding for the game reached ages ago, and people are not forced to fund anymore.

Belief disconfirmation paradigm. Most of the adamant Star Citizen defenders are invested. They’ve gladly paid sometimes staggering amounts of money today for the promise of a hamburger in the future. As the delays mount and those who are in the outgroup continue to express disbelief and sometimes even mockery, they

It’s in the state it is in BECAUSE it has no publisher. No one to give hard deadlines, no one to say “This has to be done by X date.” It’s freeing early on in a project to be able to experiment, but at a certain point, you need to set your eye on release.

If someone doesn’t reign Roberts in, I feel like this could quickly turn into a George Broussard/Duke Nukem Forever situation where the man in charge just continually adds and jettisons ideas.

A whole other article could be written about how the internet was really the driving force behind most, if not all of these.

In the last chapter it’s revealed that the item they used for the test (what was it again, an umbilical cord?) was Sakura’s, and Karin merely kept it.

Yeah it will be a shame that we wont be able to play it around the same time X-Com 2, Fallout 4, Divinity Original Sin EE, and Star Wars: Battlefront will be coming out.

You know what, from that perspective? I totally get what he’s saying. Hell yea, the game has ridiculous production values, and if that wasn’t the only thing going for it, it would have been applauded a lot more.

I gave up a long time ago playing (paying for) DLC since they are rarely an amazing experience. I’m old school in my waste-of-money routine though. I buy a $60 game, and Im ok with just playing the main game once or twice, with nothing else and no other add-ons. Since Arkham Knight was an phenomenal game itself, I’m