
Your username is charming!

Well you see, Arise was released first in theaters in Japan. That by definition makes them theatrical releases. Alternative Architecture is the TV cut of Arise.

Of course not! But breasts definitely don’t move like they do in this glitch. That said, Chun Li has had breast physics in the past, they were just more subtle. I know, what an amusing concept.

So because you say 15 isn’t a ‘real’ Final Fantasy, it must be true? Fascinating. Tell us more, oh omnipotent one.

ME is not Shepard any more than Star Trek is Kirk.

How can Mass Effect be Shepard when Shepard is an undefined character? That’s like saying Elder Scrolls is only the protagonist from Morrowind.

All I care about is Mass Effect. That could literally be the only thing they show off and I wouldn’t even care.

Ummmm since I can assume your knowledge of anything electronic would fit on an atom sized piece of toilet paper...NO its still not going to magically be possible on PS4...The cell processor in the PS3 is massively different from the X86 architecture used in the PS4...

Sure they can. The Cell is wildly different from the PS4 (or any other) architecture, while the 360 was fairly standard. Emulating Cell on x86 is a herculean task, even on a cutting edge desktop workstation.

MS Just went in and dropped the Mic on Sony. If Sony doesn’t announce similar it’s gonna be hard to top that, don’t care what games they announce.

yeah it was, but with the events of new canon material, the events of GT can’t have happened, thus yeah. not that it was ever offical anyways

It’s so beautiful. They’ve suggested over the years that Harley Quinn was bisexual(with Mr. J being her main squeeze), but it’s great to see them just come right out with it.

I don’t think we read the same article.

A classic line. I still get an emotional repsonse just thinking about it. The whole Butcher room and the Butcher himself came about late in the development of that level. We were making tiles and one of the artists created a really bloody room. From there we started joking about it and it turned into a butchers shop.

Good news, Tales fans: Tales of Zestiria, previously announced for PS3, will also hit PS4 and PC when it comes to North America and Europe this October. If only all Japanese companies treated their western fans this well.

It was already annoying being mixed and looking white without this “tragic faux-latto” bullshit in the news.

Yeah, seriously. He made a smart move. Imagine if he picked the other card and had lost, people would probably be saying, he should have took Tarmogoyf and was stupid of him not t.

How can pro players be pissed at a guy finding a guaranteed payout in a pack and taking it? This sounds as stupid as some of the “unwritten rules of baseball”, and the MTG players are likely just envious.

Anyone would have chosen to keep that card. Everyone else is just angry they weren’t the ones to get it.