
I have a feeling that SQEnix is using Duscae like an “Insider Preview”, a way to garner feedback from gamers while it’s in developement to see what works and what doesn’t. It seems as though they addressed a lot of complaints about the previous version as well as added a bunch of features.

how does a free giant update to a demo equate in your head to needing to negate it with some preemptive doom and gloom?


My wife’s brother hasn’t spent a dime (he literally has no money to spend) and regularly gets to rank 10 and below. Hearthstone is very much like any other real card game; the more packs of cards you buy, the better chance you have at getting good cards and winning. The difference is, Hearthstone is quite generous

I once made the mistake of chastising my wife for buying the Sparkle Pony while we were both playing WoW. She simply calmly looked at me and said

I don’t think “ethics and morality” means what you think it means.

And yet they’re charging you 0$ for playing their game. Along with free matchmaking.

A tiny picture that’s completely optional and in no way affects your gameplay. If this gave a competitive advantage then I’d get being outraged, but this is just so easy to ignore.

If it’s ridiculous, don’t buy it. Every time there is over-priced, not-required, completely aesthetic content in a free-to-play game there is outrage. There shouldn’t. As long as it doesn’t give whales an advantage in any way, it doesn’t matter what Blizzard charges for it. Every skin in Heroes of the Storm costs $10

Not even all that fucked up, considering this doesn’t affect gameplay at all and can be completely ignored.

-just not in North America.

I’m actually so happy she gave a specific number for how much she weights. I know the number isn’t supposed to matter, and two people who weigh the same thing can look very different, but I feel like I’m constantly hearing about women who weigh 135 and want to lose 5 or 10 more lbs and it makes me sick. I just saw Amy

YES PLEASE! I’ve been dying to replay the first 3 games, but after the amazing TLOU Remaster, I wanted to do so in proper 1080p60FPS.

So, still "Sex and the City, for Men" then?

So, still "Sex and the City, for Men" then?

If that is the case, it might be a faction that was sent north from the DC faction of the BoS after the events of Fallout 3. Possibly to make contact with the Commonwealth.

Wait, that’s not a real account? So you’re saying that the CEO of Sony didn’t just tweet that they’re adding an In Memoriam section to their press conference for the Vita? Whoa...

Your comment makes less sense than this gif. And if your comment was meant to be a joke, your joke was much less funny than this gif.

Let’s see. In 2015, have they put out any new IP? I spy... Box Boy, Code Name STEAM, Ultimate Angler, Battleground Z. Plus Splatoon. And it’s only May!