
From what I’ve played (the early test) it takes a lot more from the Demon Souls/Dark Souls part of the series than Sekiro/Bloodborne so those games would likely be best. I’d suggest Dark Souls Remastered or Demon Souls PS5 version to get a feel for it. However, this is important FromSoftware games expect you to die, a

Its why I love the series. Failure isn’t something to be avoided, its something that is inevitable, recoverable, and most importantly something to learn from. 

Big difference. This game allows you to grind in more interesting ways. Its an open world, so it gives you choice to explore and level up. Other Soulsborne games allowed you to do the same but the options were much more limited. 

So? Salt is awesome! It makes things taste better with no caloric load. 

90% of the “Healthy” Versions you see on social media is from people who know little about nutrition. A good giveaway is a “Healthy” version that swaps any oil for coconut oil, coconut oil is literally 87% saturated fat. Saturated fat intake is one of the few independent risk factors for cardiovascular disease,

Seitan + TVP (Tofu) + BBQ Sauces (I use low kcal/no kcal versions) = a great ground beef substitute that tastes like the BBQ Sauce you make it with due to the fact both bases ingredients have very little flavour. Its not a 1:1 thing but its a good alternative food item for those who still like things like Tacos and

My general rule of thumb in terms of “milks” are if you want the best bang for your buck and dont have ethical or biological restrictions on it, drink skim milk. Its low in calories and high in extremely bioavailable protein with many micronutrients. If you want something slightly better (for a higher price) in terms

A sneer isn’t a smile... its a sneer. If you’re sneering you’re not smiling. 

My crypto experience.

Gonna disagree on the health fats for “quick energy” idea. Healthy fats are great. Fats are a vital part of a diet. However, they’re not exactly ideal for quick energy and from a long term health perspective, I am not a huge fan of advising energy dense food sources like nuts.

What bad outcomes have you heard from caloric restriction?

At least online there is a HUGE overlap between self-stylized biohackers and Crypto Enthusiasts for sure.

90% of front facing “Biohackers” are just marking things. When putting butter in your coffee is a “biohack” you know you’re in the land of stupid.

I follow a few longevity researchers on Twitter as generally there is a weird overlap between Keto-fanatics/Fasting Zealots/Biohackers (many of whom are anti-vax btw which shows their science literacy) and these researchers are really good at cutting what is pure BS and might have some use.

Yup same. I can manage a day fine, two with trouble, a third I am screwed.

I can function on a night of five hours of sleep at 100% gym, cardio, work, ect I can do it. Another day... bye bye performance. Another day... bye bye operating anything more than a can opener because I am done.

The 5 hours one is quite true. Its one of the biggest lies the media tells people. How many “Daily Routines of Random Super Awesome Person” articles do you see saying they get up at 4:30 go to bed at 11:00? Almost all of them. I can assure you that is a lie. As a species the vast majority of us need way more sleep and

Good example from personal experience.

You’re talking about the psychology of weight loss. I was talking about the physicality of weight loss. Which is an important point, to lose weight you need to be in a caloric deficit to maintain that new weight you can be at maintenance. That is by definition more calories and therefore easier. The issue is how

People who are already heavy need to cut their sugar intake, it’s not going to hurt.