
Something that is out of reach of likely 90% of the adult population. The journey to a single pullup is more than worthwhile for anyone to take if you cannot already do one.

You’re all correct you’re missing one big issue. The US has a far more robust hospital system than we do. Even the poorest states have more than double the ICU capacity as Ontario does. Many states will be able to handle the case load. Us on the other hand... ya...

Yes. There is a high likelihood that every pandemic that has hit humanity likely is still with us. 

Yup this is the first step before quiting. Alcoholics or near-alcoholics both. Doesn’t really matter which you are, quiting is the best and likely only long term solution. 

As somebody who has been happily sober for over three years and knows it was the best decision of my life, I’ll add this. This works if you feel SOCIAL drinking can get a little out of hand and you might want to cut back. However, if you are feeling like you need to cut back AND you’re drinking alone, or worse you’re

Passive activity is pretty much the key to long term fitness. If you can add fitness to your daily life even in small ways you’ve moved further towards a fitness goal then you know.

$30/month for at best semi-accurate guestimations about physical parameters that most people can judge better by getting to know their body and how it feels? Ya... that seems like a terrible deal.

While you can get away with that for a while you’ll grow out of it quickly. Investing in universal tools (bench, rack, pull up bar) will always be useful. Then moving on to tools that you can add to is a good next step, such as an Olympic Bar or adjustable EZ Bars. Its not that much more than your machine idea but far

Disagree. All you need is the will to train and then everything else can be acquired based on your needs.

MIIT is actually my favourite. It gets a lot of the benefits of HIIT with a lot less trade offs. Basically a good MIIT and workout like a fitness class can go on for around 60 to 90 minutes which can burn significant calories without breaking you. My gf is big into spin and it’s basically the ideal MIIT.

Honestly a great article. HIIT recently has become one of those magic fitness buzzwords that you see everywhere and its almost all fitness industry marketing BS to be honest. I’ve gotten to the point if I see or hear the word “afterburn” in any video or article that isn’t debunking it, I know the source doesn’t really

Bloating is not the same as water retention (even though the descriptors get used interchangeably).

This is a great feature. I use it all the time now. I buy almost nothing Day One anymore as the price of a first party Sony title in Canada is now $89.99 pre-tax and regular games are $79.99. Personally, I am not a huge fan of paying over $100.00 per title when the cost of literally everything is going up as well.

Why would I want a shot or a booster?

If you have time to watch an episode of television per day you have time to get the recommended 150 minutes of cardiovascular activity a week. If you have time to watch another episode of television in that day you have time to do thirty minutes of strength training that can radically improve your health and

I can guarantee you almost anyone can find 60 minutes in their day to workout. Considering how much time the average North American spends watching TV or playing games. What people don’t know is exercise doesn’t take all that much time.

You’re the one comparing exercise to drug addiction and mental health disorders. I’m perfectly okay with pointing out how silly that looks and what it says about the person making those statements.

Ya that’s the thing the session doesn’t need to be long or intense. There is lots of ways to exercise. 

Drug addiction now. Who next are you going to show how little you understand, alcoholics? Like I said said this says more about you then the person who exercises.

Or better yet learn not to judge somebody for doing an activity that enhances their life. The fact you seem to think exercising twice a day is tantamount to a mental health issue says more about your view of exercise than it does the person exercising.