Considering Spotify isn’t a Government Agency it wouldn’t be censorship.
Considering Spotify isn’t a Government Agency it wouldn’t be censorship.
Layne Norton for one. Who Joe Rogan had on the Podcast a few years back when he got pushback from the very same people you mentioned for only showing one side. Funny, you claim I was assuming something when you made the assumption.
So he should be censored, then?
He is a useful idiot for so many snake oil salesmen out there for sure.
The issue with Joe Rogan is to be blunt... he’s an idiot. He asks questions but he has no ability to determine if the answer he gets is right, wrong, harmful, or whatever. He also is highly biased, its fine we all are, but his bias gets a gigantic platform. I’ll stay away from his more obvious issues in recent years…
Another is get used to it and plan it out. If you have to work out in the morning (I do, crazy job) plan around it. Getting up early doesn’t just happen it takes time to adjust your body to it and it will suck for a while. Myself, I’ve had to limit how much TV my partner and I watch before bed, so we can guarantee we…
All the while spending like 9 hours a day stationary driving from McDs to McDs!
Ya, because weight gain is governed by calories in calories out. The bigger issue with Spurlocks diet wasn’t the diet itself. It was the fact the VAST majority of his time was spent sedentary in a car driving from McDs to McDs. He basically shot his non-exercise thermogenesis during the period. During the Canadian…
Hanging... any hanging movements are great. You can also do a lot of the same exercises with parallel bars.
This is exactly right. Find what works for you and help others do the same. Low carb destroys me, but my friend thrives on it. What do I say to him? Keep it up, its working. Do I worry about the potential rebound where a lot of low carb diets struggle? Yup, but thats an issue for another day.
We... actually do. A lot of addiction treatments start with gradual reduction in the intoxicant of choice. Also sugar isn’t addictive in its own right, sugar paired with fat on the other hand is problematic. Add in salt and ya most can’t stop.
Honestly this is the first time I’ve heard somebody quote the source. I’ve read it actually has no agreed upon source. It just started spreading on IG and stuck, because misinformation is so much easier to spread than the truth.
Not gonna lie reading some of these responses really shows why further education is desperately needed. The amount of misinformation regarding the energy balance model is just so prevalent. The fact the CIM is still referenced after its total refutation shows just how hard it is to kill bad ideas.
Sure but you can do that easily and effectively with exercises that aren’t branded as “functional”. So whats the difference?
A marketing pitch designed to differentiate theyre inferior, more injurious, but often flashier fitness programs.
Sidenote get Macrofactor its awesome.
Bingo consistently inaccurate still provides trendlines and that is the most important thing.
(I don’t know if these weights are impressive or not, but I know they are much higher than what I have been told to lift “as a woman.”)
The issue is as you wrote yourself the speed bag is a skill that requires time to aquire. Its quite specialized, largely limited to striking sports.