
Really all would depend on ones training modality. There are carryover between weight training and bodyweight calisthenics but there is a reason most people generally stick to one or the other. There is not a huge amount of overlap in the movements themselves, though obviously just being stronger will benefit both.

Doctors are really good at what they're trained to do. Most are not trained in exercise science or nutrition. The amount of MDs who know Jack all about nutrition or exercise is huge. It's rather annoying. 

In the fitness world, perhaps, but I can assure you among the lay population the “bulky” fear is still alive and well sadly. You just have to look at how popular some “Fit” Insta/TikTok accounts aimed at woman that pushes the “toning” myth and others. There is still a lot of fitness misinformation out there and sadly,

(And while we’re at it, why do articles aimed at women assume we want to “tighten” our muscles, which is not even a thing? Why can’t they be about getting stronger or building muscle, which is what strength training actually does?)

Please tell me you fired those trainers lol. I would literally have just advised you to do exactly what you’re doing with some body weight work and good old strongman training, most notably loaded caries aka farmers walks.

This is even easier. You’re already succeeding. Most studies agree any physical activity, no matter what one does, will improve measurable markers of health. Cardio and strength training combined is better than one alone but one alone is way better than none at all. Add in a halfway decent diet and boom you’re already

Ya this is pretty great and I agree with all of it. The fundamental issue is there is a lot of misinformation both actively spread by charlatans and idiots. Add in some tribalism and now god help us political (if you don’t think Vegan vs. Carnivore is political now I envy the bubble you live in) nutritional debate its

The key is not being lean but also not being overweight. Its hard to build muscle and strength when perma-lean, but its pretty easy to do so when you’re eating at a true maintenance. Its also nice as you discover what your actual maintenance is. I cant tell you the amount of people who thought they had to eat 500 or

This is why I gave up bulking and cutting. I find its so much easier to live close to maintenance perpetually. A small deficit here, a small surplus there, its a lot easier the the up down cycle. Not that I really have a choice these days, with gyms lockedown for at least six more weeks I’m stuck at my deflated, but

I agree with the rest of your statement but 90 minutes of cardio isn’t exactly an elite effort. I’ll ride my bike for well beyond that, its fun.

Ya its got a name survivorship bias. You see it in other fields too. “How long did it take you to get your big break?” to an actor. You only ask that to somebody who got the big break, you never do to the 99.9% of people who never did.

Came here to help with the ratio!

Ya I did I followed the science. Outdoors is safe.

Lockdowns baby. Literally nothing else to do.

Obviously efficiency matters lol. Doesn’t change the fact maintaining a baseline of NEAT activity helps a lot. I’d also say if you lost 30 kg you likely changed your diet.

Lockdowns suck.

Sure but even when other standard variables get added in, since you asked SO nicely. Weight stayed constant during this, actually my intense cardio dropped to zero as it was during the gym lockdowns I did this so I did not have access to the ellipticals which is my favorite form of cardio. Basically the only variable

I agree though its better than the 1800s ideal beauty standard of men of a big gut and mutton chops. So thats something. I’d also say its nicer that men can achieve this look with a cycle of test and clen for the most part than having to cycle Dbol, test, and tren like in the 80s lol.

Bingo! Its the genetic lottery and for woman its where you store your fat. Some hit the jackpot and store almost all their fat on their glutes and none on their abs and thighs. Most aren’t that lucky. 

Bigger issue for a lot of people is hips. Some people cannot anatomically go that deep. For others ya flexibility is an issue as well.