
Oh yup totally. A hyper elite will look better natural than 95% of the population on a gram of exogenous hormones and be stronger too. Some folks are just that lucky. Im just saying unless you’re competing in a drug tested league if you’re a top tier powerlifed you’re using. Why? Everyone else is.

As I wrote on another comment that has more to do with other factors than the training modality they have chosen. It certainly is not from the HUGE amount of calories they do squatting for a few minutes once once every three to four days...

They’re also hyper elites who are using a lot of illicit compounds. Go to a conventional gym where 95% of the population lifts and the folks that self-identify as powerlifters are the heavier boys in the gym. I’m 6'5, natural, and when I am beach lean I am around 195 lbs that’s at my peak, I don’t have shitty genetics

Cardio is for your heart health and endurance. Strength training is for building size and strength. Nutrition is for losing weight.

In that case just run. Do what you love to do. Strength training has a lot of benefits but so does running. Its weird for me to say this as I am the exact opposite, I love lifting HATE running. However, doing what you love is the key to long term success. IF you have to force yourself to lift and you begrudge it, say

If squatting was good for burning calories powerlifters would be ripped. They’re not.

Running does not build muscle. Running and cardio in general breaks down muscle tissue without the stimulus to start muscle protein synthesis to repair it. Cardio in general makes your muscles smaller. Running with a weight vest is also a BAD idea as all it does is put more weight on your joints, especially your

This is true. You have also made a completely different argument. I am not saying “don’t resistance train” and improve your body composition that’s stupid, I am saying leg day does not burn “a lot of calories” because people will get misinformed as leg day does not “burn a lot of calories” in the objective sense of

Obviously works best if you combine more resistance training but compared to cardio it doesn’t burn a “lot of calories” that is objectively untrue. You’re statement about “post session” is as misleading here as it is in the “afterburn affect” of HIIT cardio... Cardio is for losing weight. Strength training is for

Both burn an insignificant amount of calories. You burn more calories walking then you do doing any resistance exercise at the gym. 

Sorry to burst your bubble, leg day does not burn that many calories. You burn more calories taking a leisurely 30 minute walk than blasting out four sets of heavy squats and lunges.

Lots of people have ideas about fitness. Most of those people are wrong. The issue isn’t complexity its the over abundance of people with shit information. I’ll also be honest its us as well, a lot of people want the easy way out but the key to progress is simple, sustained effort over a long period of time.

Cardio gets in the way of strength and especially size gains at the higher levels. As high impact, endurance focused, cardio like running breaks down muscle without having the same signaling that provides the start to muscle protein synthesis. Basically, you want to squat your max or have your maximal leg size, don’t

I joke a Power Builder is just a bodybuilder that likes to bench and doesn’t want to admit they’re a bodybuilder.

Ya its pedantic its also important to use correct terminology to avoid confusion. Trying to explain these differences to people outside of the lifting community is annoying. It gets worse because the internet has trained so many people to have opinions on things they know nothing about and for some reason lifting is

The amount of people, mostly kids, who think THIS is a natural and achievable physique and what we have to look like to be popular and liked is huge and growing by the day.

“Body Positivity” and “Fat Acceptance” has always been a movement aimed at woman as its always been more directed at woman. However, with the increasing prevalence of social media formerly female only issues are popping up in men. For the first time ever “body dysmorphia” has been recorded in a sizeable amount in

More Plates More Dates covered this. I generally agree with his take away this is likely working for people on TikTok because they eat like shit so supplimenting what you’d normally get in a good diet can help if you’re deficient. However, if you’re not deficient this is likely going to do little to nothing.

As I’ve done more research into nutrition, strength, and physique endeavors something generally sticks out to me. Anything natural has a hard cap limit that you cant really push beyond. Vitamins clearly fall into this. If you are deficient in a vitamin or mineral you would benefit from supplementing it, but if you are

That is 100% what is going to happen. Count on the Government to shoot itself in the foot. Canada is getting our first shipment of JJ at the end of the month and unlike the US we dont have vaccines to spare and this is ALREADY scaring people here...