
This is EXACTLY what happened in Canada. Our Vaccine Advisory Panel put out a warning that we should halt the use of AstraZenica for certain populations due to blood clot issues, that have around a 1:100,000 chance of happening. Guess what happened? Distrust of AstraZenica skyrocketed, uptake of the vaccine dropped

An anti-vaxxer will always be an anti-vaxxer, no changing that. What this will do, its happening in Canada when our Government did the same thing over AstraZenica, is give credence to the anti-vaxxers arguments that vaccines in general are unsafe. Its legitimizing their anti-science arguments by blowing statistically

The only reason this is in the news is because the US Government put it in the news. That is what is dumb. If any other source released this data and said “this is unsafe we should halt it” they’d be laughed out of the room as a 1:1,000,000 incidence rate is actually lower than the general population incidence rate of

Thats my entire point with the post. If you look at the conversation I am having in other threads you see this. Everyone loves to go back to carbs. My theory is that because its brought up so often people just internalize the idea it must be true. When it just isn’t. We know what “causes” obesity at least

Its not though. Its a horrible call. Anyone who has done statistical analysis of risk knows how dumb a call this is. Increasing total vaccine hesitancy by even .1% will cost more lives in the long run than this. Thats the problem this decision misses the forest through the trees.

We have a similar thing happening in Canada with the AstraZenica vaccine where our vaccine task force recommended halting it for certain populations. Its the exact same problem we’re having here and around the world. Medical officials are not able to differentiate between absolute risk and relative risk.

It’s definitely true that when your body is using fat as its primary energy source, it’s easier to lose fat in a calorie deficit, and it’s especially harder to store fat. You can still do it if you eat too much, but that takes some work.

What you are referring to is called “Adaptive Thermogenesis” and its not nearly as bad as what you are implying. As it doesn’t even happen until you are getting into the leaner category. What you are actually talking about is the reduction in your metabolic process by having less metabolically active tissue, both fat

Fun fact that “statistic” has never actually be shown to be true. By this point its just a truisim, I’ve seen people cite that “statistic” countless times and no source has ever been shown. Its likely true, most diets fail, but that’s because most diets are BAD diets. Any diet that has a name, has a marketing

Yup, cutting carbs is basically a component of it but its not the whole thing. Why is cutting carbs a component of almost every persons weight loss journey? Because in N.A. we overconsume carbs. We also over consume fats at an even greater rate. So we control those too. The only thing we under consume is protein,

Taubes entire thesis has been disproven several times over. The book and his entire shtick has been dismantled by several people with far more credentials than I. He is one of the worst sources for nutritional information.

He was talking about the genre than Eva is.

Yes. Mecha is just a North American genre term for what Japan calls “Real Robot”.

Mecha is a North American term. In Japan the genre is “Real Robot” as in a real person is piloting a robot. Vs “Super Robot” which is just a large autonomous android that tends to be sentient (Mazinger Z).

It shifts genres HARD in the later arcs.

Titans have pilots.

The final arc of AoT basically fully shifts the series to “Real Robot” just with fleshy mechas.

Anyone who knows anything about Japanese anime knows EXACTLY what he is talking about. This is such a funny article to read as its hilariously clear he was making a point how Eva is more popular than Gundam lol.

This is 100% what he means. Its likely a misunderstanding on the part of the press. In Japan “Real Robot” is literally a genre type of which Eva plays within a lot of the tropes. So when he say “Eva is a robot anime” he means “yes, Eva is in this genre”. When he then brought up Gundam another “Real Robot” genre series

It used to be fats, then it became sugar, than it became carbs in general, now some low carbers are working to get people afraid of PUFAs, but the reality it is... all of the above. You just have to look at the Standard North American diet.