
I enjoy slapping them down sometimes. Especially on this doc. There is a lot of benefits to a Vegan (though I would say Vegetarian is SO MUCH BETTER as its simplier) but the performance/medical angle is just so bad. A vegan diet is just not better than a well balanced omnivorous diet. The same is true on the other end

basically an ad for his workout

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That movie is so hilariously debunked it’s not even funny anymore, its just dead. Even science based vegans have tried to distance themselves from its claims. Its vegan propaganda of the highest order. I’d write it out myself but Layne Norton did a damn good job at it in video form and also provided dozens of

Protein powder is pretty great. I literally could not do what I do without it. It is so far beyond a supplement for me its kind of funny. Its a staple food item in my kitchen. Especially as its an awesome cooking ingredient for baking. Casein for example is a nearly perfect replacement for flour, which makes getting

Ya, I know and agree. I was just trying to point out even beyond the chain breaking point, there are still reasons to do it.

That seems to be the case. However, there is also the benefit of less people having a chance of clogging up the hospital system. Even young and healthy people can still have freak complications which diverts needed medical resources don’t forget.

Also if the shot is offered its because there is only two options left. One in somebodies, anybodies, arm or two in the garbage. It being in 20 year old track and field star with a VO2 max of 100 is still better than it being in the trash.

GET A VACCINE IF OFFERED. Here in Canada we’re out due to god awful planning from our Federal Government months ago I would LOVE if we had the problem of wasted vaccines that are still getting people immune. The system in the US may be a mess but if you can get one do it. No guilt needed. Also if a vaccine is offered

Ya... I had a family members diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer they didn’t last long. This is sad. Even for somebody with a past like Dustin Diamond.

Another nice this is that Sleep Heart Rate and Resting Heart Rate (not the same thing despite similar names) are really good metrics to use as a proxy for stress levels. As the pandemic has worsened here my RHR has gone up from 55 BMP before the Holidays peaking around 63. I decided to take some action to deal with

I think form is important on the big exercises but the obsession with “perfect form” is a fools errand because there is no perfect form. Everyone’s body is different and a lift will be limited by your anatomy more than anything. For example I am 6'5 there is no amount of form adjustments that makes conventional

At a commercial gym where I work out (when its open) mirrors are for creepy dudes and ego lifters.

I would but you wouldn’t read them but if you ever want PubMD is always there.

You are right though when the effect size is small its important to be rigorous. Basically, we know the effect exists we can see it in muscle endurance and nutrient pathway effects being the one I am most familiar with.

I think radiation studies might have ethics issues at the approval stage hahahahahaha.

I have read the studies. The consensus is you will have already lost an appreciable amount of body water by the time you feel the sensation of thirst. That is because the body functions that regulate the sense of thirst has already been activated due to the loss of body water. Hence, “when you are thirsty you are

Your body is well aware of its water needs and tells you (though thirst) to start drinking long before you are dehydrated. It doesn’t give you the thirst signal just to give you the bare minimum necessary to live.

It is not about belief it’s about facts. Also not dying is a REALLY different thing then functioning optimally. You can not die when you only get 4 hours of sleep a night consistently but NOBODY would say you’re function optimally. Your logic is so flawed here its kind of hilarious. 

33 year old dude who watched it as it aired first because my GF at the time was watching it and then continued because I genuinely liked it after we broke up. Honestly, its a really good show that never quite got the praise it deserved at the time.

It’d be super authentic if they then mod them into Fire Emblem: Awakening and it turns out Rory was the villain all along.