
That is a different thing entirely though. Nobody eats sugar straight out of the bag and nobody guzzles animal fat alone but when it’s cooked in conjunction with things like meat protein the taste, texture, is enhanced. That is an objective fact. Cooking with fat, even a little fat, makes things taste better. Air fry

I’ve actually cooked with Extra Lean Ground Beef to save on those calories. It didn’t taste like beef. The idea that “fat is tasteless” in beef is objectively wrong. Marbling, the distribution of fat content is literally what high grade meat is judged on.

I hate so much discussion on this topic is like this. Ya, eatting healthier and getting healthy wont directly impact your longevity due to COVID-19 but doing that now might make your recovery from a broken bone you get when you trip in three years a lot easier. Life has a way of throwing challenges at you and

Ya that was my thought as well. I find a lot of this stuff, especially nutrition, is more a correlation vs causation thing. As generally people who eat vitamin rich diets also just in general have healthier diets.

The true pandemic, they say, is America’s longstanding preponderance of diet-related disease, such as diabetes, heart disease, hypertension and obesity.

The Government wont force you to. However, if you want to fly, go to a school, have a job with a service component, and one of many things I suspect they’ll force you too. That’s the thing, you don’t need Government to tell you to do things business will be more than okay with doing it on its own.

85% of it is still sub-par but now I can do Dragon Flags and I couldn’t before and that is pretty damn cool. The number is also down from 90% sucking because I bought a bench and a pair of 45 lbs dumbbells which is enough to continue making progress.

Sadly... that is likely...

God damn this was written in 2016 PLEASE STOP REPLYING I DON’T CARE!

Not Canadian’s thats for damn sure.

Its statistics. You’re reading a lot more into my statement.

The data is regarding the average overweight American. Lets be honest, we know the stats about average in North America. Being aware of a common cyclical trend is the first step towards breaking that trend. There is no guilt needed but the stats show quite clearly the average American makes bad health choices over

Here is the slight issue with this. The average overweight American puts on about 90% of their excess body fat in the months of November and December. They do this slowly over the course of their life. Generally only two pounds a year. So while yes one meal does not matter, one meal, plus a few parties, some more

I’m actually wearing my T-shirt I got from a virtual 10k I ran early this year. My damn washing machine ate it up somewhat but I’m not giving up my first 10k T-shirt! Honestly, I thought a virtual race would be somehow lesser but ya it would have been fun to run with everyone and my training may have been better,

I really think Kotaku may need to invest an anti-digital addiction strategy as I’m getting worried about you guys.

Oh that sucks... I literally was watching Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon yesterday. May he RIP.

Well that shows some amount of humility to admit as such. The fact our Government has continued on as if they did nothing wrong is quite sad. Furthermore, only last month well into the second wave did we get Rapid Testing approved for use so its virtually non-existant and it appears to have no plan for vacine

Don’t be heartbroken, I don’t think he is. While his path took a different route it is no less valid. While he hasn’t been in the limelight he has been diligently fighting to find a cure for Parkinson’s and has helped make A LOT of progress. It may not help him but it will hopefully help millions of men and women who

It was even worse in Canada. Up until June our Federal Government was actively telling us masks were ineffective. They were knowing lying to keep the supply of masks stable for medical use but the damage they did over those four months was PROFOUND.

This EXACT scene has happened to me lol