
Ya a couple weeks ago my first off from work, I ate an entire container (a big one) of ice cream in two days and realized I really needed to find something to do with my time. Preferably away from my kitchen. 

My local lockdown measures have closed down parks where I used to do my band exercises so I’ve shifted to doing them on my balcony. Its not as good but it works... after a fashion. Though my main activity is walking, I have a virtual 10K in early May I’m still doing but my training motivation is low but I love walking

Ya, I was insane. I literally was preparing to fight the ultimate Superboss when I deleted it. Still have not had the heart to replay it though if this goes on I may yet do it.

In The Zodiac Age I literally beat Super bosses without playing the game. I wrote about it here:

How many folks don’t buy a second controller over their consoles lifetime? 

I have a near launch PS4 controller still and while it still works its battery life kind of sucks. While I have an old Xbox 360 controller I still use for my PC and it's great once I replace its batteries.  I'd much prefer the option to do the same with my PS4 controller.

The answer and its going to SHOCK YOU... options! Which is why Microsoft is ahead on the controller front. It provides the option. I love both current generation controllers and I expect the same from the next (we’re approaching the optimal controller singularity where they’re basically the same) but the option of

Not to burst your bubble but it takes a few weeks to a month to reap the benefits of switching to a nutrient rich diet from a bodily processes standpoint. The mental benefits are fast and dont discount placebo as a boost but if you’re feeling sick dietary changes are likely not effective in that short turn. Dietary

I’ve been seeing this so much from fitness scammers and well-intentioned but ignorant people. Some are selling supplements others are pushing Vitamins (C and D seem to be the big ones) as the cure all. But the simple truth is while you can weaken your immune system thrugh disease or life style choices, you cannot

I am largely against the keep setting an alarm if you have nothing to do. If you have to work from home setting an alarm to facsimilate a regular day is a good idea. However, if your furloughed or god forbid laid off take this time to just sleep naturally. If you’re the kind of person who naturally goes to sleep at

Small Pleasures a List:
1) Fresh brewed coffee. Nothing like it. I would advise to not skimp on coffee if you ever thought of investing in a grinder or french press to up your coffee game now is the time.
2) Slow Cooked Chili. Easy to make, super healthy, super tasty, and a feeling of accomplishment as you actually did

1.5 rep exercises are great for increasing TUT too.

My home equpment is a set of resistance bands up to 100 lbs and a pair of 20 lb dumbbells. So while I can combine the bands and body weight into a halfway decent workout the barbells are largely for one offs as the amount of reps I need to do is substantial with them (save for lateral raises they’re the perfect size

I haven’t felt this good in quite some time actually. I’m basically viewing this as a forced deload period. Myself, like I think almost every lifter, has some for of ache and pain that isn’t really an injury but could use sometime and this is it. Basically all those little aches are gone and its feeling really good.

They should just forking release the game at this point. My friends copy here in Toronto has already shipped and will likely be in his hands tomorrow or Friday.

I’ve played 700 hours in Civilization VI and got every part of it at launch. In that time I think I can count on my fingers and toes how many games I’ve actually finished playing. I think that is Civ VIs greatest weakness its end game is among the worst in the series but I love the beginning and mid game. 

Of ALL the potential issues with the world he goes with Joe Biden winning the Democratic nomination. Something tells me he was bitching about that on twitter four weeks ago, today, and when this is over. This is just the excuse today. He even used the term bourgoisie . I know where his heads at and it’s not

People with depression and anxiety disorders exist and are at increased risk of mental health episodes and suicide. People with addiction issues exist and are at increased risk of overdose. The fact you brought up PRESIDENTIAL POLITICS during this shows where your perspective lies and its not with the people who are

He has good taste!