
Reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit is it? No, I am merely pointing out the reality that our economic system can’t sustain this level of response for a prolonged period of time. We certainly cannot shutdown most economic activity for a third of a year without MAJOR ramifications which will also affect peoples

I don’t think we can expect a full 3-4 month lockdown. The economy would collapse before then. We’ll likely see an ease of restrictions around early May and then a return to normalcy in waves that will likely last for months afterwards, festivals for example or sports wont return for a while I expect. However, the

We need two tests and that will continue to be helpful namely an actually effective test on if you have it AND an antibody test to see if you had it. This way we would know the amount of people to quaratine and who is effectively okay now. That way we can determine when as a society we can easy off restrictions, if

I have listed six items that makes the US specifically vulnerable to COVID19 the way other nations aren’t (as much) and you hit one on the head. Geographic distance and its tendency to cluster together. A lot of these smaller or highly urban countries are much more succeptible to quick spikes due to proximity, not the

Hahahahahahaha I love how you used a Toronto image. Ya Bay and King is normally packed its the heart of downtown with a lot of financial sector stuff. So good photo.

Play the Go League hes there.

Thundereus. Hes also available in the Go League once you hit Level 7 and get four wins in a round.  

Also some more good news.  Legendary Pokemon are super common in the 4th win of the Go League.  I've already caught four legendaries in a few days.

Funny enough for the early episodes I largely agreed with all the criticisms. Too slow, too introspective, shock value for shock sake (Chips death in particular) then once episode 6 hit and certain “fans” loathing started to come out, I was like are we watching the same series? This is legitimately interesting TV the

Fan ownership and entitlement is a plague on fandom. 

Its the kinjafication of the AVClub continuing.

So much can be summed up as “don’t be a selfish git”. I know it takes a little getting used to be think of others and how your actions will affect them. If people don’t follow that advice, well thats what social shaming is for. 

This fucker is going to kill people. The Cabinet needs to do their constitutional duty and invoke the 25th Amendment. His actions over the last few days put everyone at risk. Second only the nuclear war this might be the worst case scenario of his Presidency.

Exactly, this is just promoting a backlash that opportunistic politicians are going to take advantage of... oh wait... fuck.

Same, I can’t go to the gym and since I live above people in an Apt. I can’t really do much home workout except basic things. So I’ll go to abandoned parks to do band workouts or go for nice long walks around my neighbourhood and get 20,000 steps daily. Only if you’re sick or returning from travel do you need to stay

I’ve noticed a lot of people on social media chastising others for going out for walks or runs. I support this change in terminology as social distancing and social isolation seems to be largely equated by the general population and they are two different concepts.

Ya sorry to hear about your situation too. A lot of people forget one of the worst parts of all this is people still get regular sick and need medical care and cant get it. Which also increases the chances of ... ya. Honestly its crazy a good mindless calming distraction is good for a lot of people right now.

I’m not an Animal Crossing kind of person but I have been playing Disgaea 4 Complete on my Switch. There is just something about mindless grinding that appeals to me right now before I go to bed.

Still working. Its reduced hours here but still coming in. Doubt we’re shutdown until the Government forces us too though I suspect that will come in short order. Things just keep rising here. Also the news of California’s lockdown hit me hard, as being Canadian a lot of our food is grown in California and ya... I’m

Anybody who is arguing, today, in 2020, for a geographical name for a disease is either naive of this history (send them this article!) or is trying to deliberately stir up xenophobic sentiments.