There was a series where James Cameron just talked to other Directors and he had Ridley Scott on and it was fascinating to the extreme to just hear them converse.
There was a series where James Cameron just talked to other Directors and he had Ridley Scott on and it was fascinating to the extreme to just hear them converse.
Ya I would give it to Heinlein as well.
I’m working under the assumption this will be my first digital Final Fantasy game. As I expect a city wide lock down to occur before then and force non-essential stores to shutdown.
Ya I am planning on Mistborn next. Basically everyone agrees it is pretty great.
I’m so far behind on these shows. I sort of forget TV is on and just play video games and work... yes still working...
Not only the games themselves but the concepts of it. The idea of Space Marines was largely popularized by Aliens (some say invented but I think that is harder to prove) not to mention how so much of the action scenes are very reminiscent of FPS set ups. Aliens gave us so much in terms of pop culture it is easily one…
I just finished reading The Shinning which is a great book and worth a read to see how different it is from the film, really different. I actually enjoyed the books ending far far more. I can now finally understand why King really disliked Kurbricks interpretation as it radically altered King’s work in fundimental…
My gym chain has shutdown and they’re suspending membership fees (likely to prevent people from cancelling and never coming back keep things out of sight out of mind). What sucks worse than not being able to lift is that all the employees are getting two weeks pay and then thats it. This is the biggest gym chain in…
Its the Fire Emblem/Shin Megami Tensei crossover game for the Wii U they ported to the Switch. Honestly, if you’ve played a recent Persona game its a lot like that. Its VERY traditional and I like it with a lot of fun Fire Emblem characters and camoes. Basically FE Characters act as Persona’s to the original main…
Depending on when the impending lockdown hits my city I may yet pick it up as those changes do sound nice to me and I love Persona and Shin Megami Tensei (though Tokyo Mirrage is hitting that itch nicely). Right now my long JRPG fix is Star Ocean 4 which is not the best but hey its battles are crazy fun (especially…
Ya. Berseria and Vesperia are my two favorite games in the series right now and both would make great entries on this list. Xillia as well but thats not quite as high tier as the other two. If you have a 3DS still Abyss is also top tier.
I endorse this list fully. Mostly because its games I am largely playing myself. My city is not in lockdown but it likely will be in two weeks.
I’m an Anglican from my Mom and my Dad comes from a BIG German Catholic family and ya I can really enjoy both sides pretty easily.
My German Catholic Grandmother would agree with that assessment whole heartedly, she loved this film. Funny enough she never realized she and people like her were the ones being lampooned. As she never really got over how her good Catholic son (my Dad) married a blonde WASP (my mom).
Ya. I can believe that. Small towns are bad too but rural is barren.
Yes... that is the point of my comment. There are a lot of unknowns... look beyond single lines to the entirety of a persons point.
Ya I wrote the comment on mobile so a bunch of stuff didn’t come through right lol. I meant to say “while woman didn’t smoke” as an explanation of why there seemed to be sex differences in mortality rates in China and how environmental factors will effect regional death rates.
Ya Niantic seems to have a tier in terms of PokeStop density
Urban Downtown - Pokestops EVERYWHERE
Urban Midtown - Less Stops but still plentiful
City - Suburban - Pockets of stops but not as common.
Bedroom Community Suburban - less stops still walking distance.
Semi-Rural - Driving distance pokestops clusters in town…
I have weighted bands, some dinky 20 lb dumbbells which I suppose I get do extremely high rep sets up (centuries!), and I have a park nearby which you can do pull ups on, then of course there is the old fashioned body weight exercises. So ya, if its closed so be it. Until then I’ll keep doing what I am doing. Luckily…
As far as we know the virus cannot be transferred through sweat so a gym isn’t actually all that worse than say a subway ride. Basically, take the same precautions you would in other public gatherings. Though I don’t think I’d be offering a spot or asking for one anytime soon. However, if time comes that your…