
No... I made a comment about variables and I used one variable to explain why one countries experience may differ from another. You then took my comment out of context and spun it your own way. While ignoring the rest of the comment. Besides, the example was explicitly brought up to counteract the claim that the

No... I made a comment about variables and I used one variable to explain why one countries experience may differ from another. You then took my comment out of context and spun it your own way. While ignoring the rest of the comment. Besides, the example was explicitly brought up to counteract the claim that the

What? No... nobody is “blaming” anybody. Millions of people are going to get this disease potentially billions by the end. However, how the disease effects you and populations as a whole depends on the unique characteristics of those people and yes habits of those individuals and populations. Some factors are not

Which speaks to the first part of my statement you cut out, “One of the biggest unknowns is how the disease will effect each country”. Its an unknown how the disease with affect each country due to its own unique circumstances. Furthermore, “Lifestyle Things like smoking, diet, or more men sharing living space” I also

Actually I saw him on CNN first. Then on Joe Rogan when somebody posted it to facebook.

One of the biggest unknowns is how the disease will effect each country. For example in China it killed men at a far higher rate then it did woman due to those in the risk zones prepensity to smoke more. While woman did. Will this be the same in the West? Its unknown. Another factor that isn’t present in China is

Nobody knows and nobody really can know unfortunately. However, its not going to be fast and its going to keep getting worse for a while yet. At the current rate of growth (doubling every four days or so) and taking the US’ reported numbers multiplied by three (I think it may be higher so the multiplier varies) right

Check out his last article on the subject of pandemic. I had fun on that one.

Ya... from where I am standing it looks like a witches brew of: executive inaction, general bureaucratic incompetence, and general state and local level inability to coordinate. Basically everything that people loath about Government.

Yup, means nothing in practice. They’ll still be coordinating a multinational effort to combat the spread, individual states like a certain world leading economy that shall remain nameless will continue to fork that effort up, and individuals should continue to do their part by washing their hands, not hoarding vital

Gonna die in prison, be buried at a funeral nobody will attend, and rot in hell for eternity. Fitting.

Ya, that is horrible, I get logistical issues but its past that point. There is willful blindness going on and its effecting everyone. I wish your family the best.

The US is a BIG BIG problem right now for containment. 

Like everything in life it comes back to healthy habits. The #1 thing you can do to fight coronavirus is wash your hands and if you show symptoms (fever and dry cough) to get tested. If you want to make healthy changes on top of that I say more power to you because there are A TON of health issues that is prevalent in

I’ve taken to saying “Do you love your Grandma as COVID-19 has a 18% chance of killing her and the flu has a .8% chance. Wash your hands for your grandma”.

I love CTC and S’Mores as well (though Post Oreo’s are good too) and they’re all really sugary. Know what  though, if you eat a balance diet and remain relatively active the sugar wont really matter all that much. Sugar isn’t an inherantly bad item when eaten in moderation, much like everything else.

Come on console agnostic era! I’m all for this. Though until Japan starts moving on this in big numbers I am sticking with my PC, PlayStation, and Switch triumvirate of gaming.

If your body is stiff there is a higher chance of injury in day to day activities. Flexibility tends not to add to exercise, which is what the quote you’re referring to is about, but its benefit on day to day life is quite useful. You don’t see many gymnasts throwing out their back tying a shoe lace as an extreme