
Is the game set up kind of like the Xenoverse games? I’d be into that actually.

Its been late capitalism since 1848!

I was holding out hope they would kill Jughead, replace him with Souphead, and everyone just agrees to call him Jughead. 

Did Rian Johnson know about this when he put that whole “nobody” section into The Last Jedi? 

Oh FFS man... 

I know when you see personalities on TV you don’t see the real them but I always got the sense Trebek was one of the good guys. Throughout all this I am convinced Trebek is one of the good guys.

The anti-sugar people are almost as bad as the Keto and Carnivor people... seriously “added sugar” is such a fucking stupid thing to get worked up over when every carb you eat turns into sugar. I had a guy on this very site tell me skim milk is worse than whole milk because of its “sugar” content. He didn’t seem to be

I’d watch that! 

Ya, as I have gone down the rabbit hole of personal fitness I have come to an inescapable conclusion. There is no ideal diet or optimal path for health and wellness. Everything has trade offs and you have to pick and choose and often find test out many things to see what works for you. Funny enough, after two years of

Yes! Daniel Craig with a French accent would be amazing.

I was sort of hoping a new story with Daniel Craig back and new characters but some returning actors playing new roles. He doesn’t need to play the same character after all.

God that twitter thread is pure quackery... Keto Zealots really will try to make ANYTHING about Keto. Honestly, the likelihood of people with some form of metabolic problems dying from the disease is because the cause of the metabolic problem was poor diet and exercise, or a preexisting condition that has an adverse

It's a collectivity thing.  Nobody can do it alone or you're out of synch but nobody wants to move first so were sort of trapped.  Like everyone hates it. Florida is moving on reform so it might happen!

Just cancel the whole dang thing. You know for the dogs.

I got the demo downloading at home I plan to hit when I get to it after work. Honestly, the more I see about this game the more I want it. Ya I know the full “story” wont be told for a while but something tells me we’re in for some big surprises with these games. I am getting a feeling this “Remake” is less a remake

I have no connection to D&D so oh ya I would.

Divinity Original Sin 2 (Divinity 2 is a different game lol and way less good) is one of the best RPGs I have ever played and I have played a lot of them. While there is a lot of text its really well written and mostly skipable. I would HIGHLY recommend Divinity Original Sin 2. The freedom it allows is pretty great.

I still can’t believe how far Larian has come since 2011 when they released a competent but not great Elder Scrolls knock off in Divinity 2: The Dragon Knight Saga. I always knew the studio had potential but I’m shocked they had so much!

I think it means high fever but ya its dumb.

Red Dead Redemption doesn’t look as good or play as well as Red Dead Redemption 2,