
As somebody who would happily vote for somebody like her if she ran in my district (Ga. 6th), she would almost certainly get destroyed in my district. Progressives have such a bad history with learning the wrong lessons from their own victories and their own defeats.

So, I am not from New York and maybe the really ugly tone in this article towards Mr Crowley is based on something of substance, but how about you actually say what that is then? A hell of a lot of aspersions going on here about a man from what I know of his record is pretty progressive and liberal. Is he as

I said this on the other post about her win, but this comment makes me feel the need to repeat it:

this guy and Eric Garland are basically matter and anti-matter, so if they ever responded to each other Twitter would be annihilated

I tried to read the whole thread, but all I could see was some basement warrior jerking off to his military fantasies and a bunch of his dungeons & dragons teammates cheering him on.

“The most dominant theme of the correspondence seemed to be “Motherfucker I can’t wait to have an excuse to kill you,”

OTOH, is de-escalation even a fucking thing that people are interested in anymore? Or possible?

Speaking with Comic Book, Todd McFarlane revealed he wants to pitch a crossover movie between Venom and Spawn to Sony.”

This feels like water dripping against stone. Slow, but it will win out. I finally feel like I can breathe a little easier now.

Tell me about it. Every time I get even slightly interested in this game, I see something like an above comment about “SJW cretins” and just decide that the dregs of society can have this one to themselves.

Do we still feel the need to report on this racist garbage? 

This is a troll post, yeah?

welcome to one of the game’s biggest problems, it was only historically authentic when it cared/wanted to be.

If this is such a "hardcore" game, shouldn’t it be more along the lines of "die a forgettable death after getting an infection from a very minor wound - save file immediately deleted"?

Vegas doesn’t take odds on whether gravity exists, they won’t take odds on whether Winston is a rapist. 

Jameis Winston and his phony smile and performative enthusiasm are chilling to me.

I would prefer if no one mentioned it and he goes from White House directly to prison for doing it.

Now when I watch volcano movies, I make a mental note of anyone who should have died in a pyroclastic flow and henceforth assume that they are a ghost.  It tends to make the films a lot wackier, but hey, ghosts can fight dinosaurs too!

Clearly, Owen is secretly a clone... and is  constantly being replaced by InGen. He obviously died multiple times bringing up those Raptors.

Your contribution is inspiring.