
Maybe because Norm Macdonald was a big part of those and recently passed away.

When a website decides to make a video for something that could easily be an article, it’s like they farted in your face. So I can relate

None of this works without Iron Man, to the point where the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe was shaped around his worldview, his sense of humor, and his egotism

Trademark and domain squatters are such garbage people. On the other hand, hey, good for them.

I never understood the group consensus that Chris Pratt represents some specific Evangelical evil. It sounds like his church operates that way at an organizational level, but HE strikes me as a kind of “apolitical centrist” type: complacent with his privilege (which certainly sucks, to be fair), but not actively

Trump raised $250 million from donors” ... and this is why Fox News isn’t covering the hearings in prime time.  They don’t want their viewers to hear that they helped dupe them out of millions promoting a lie that they KNEW was a lie.

I can smell this picture.

Barry notably didn’t kill Ryan, the Chechens did. definitely feels noteworthy that the one relative of the person Barry didn’t kill, Ryan’s dad, saves Barry instead of killing him

Anyone else notice how Natalie’s show shamelessly panders to BanShe’s algorithm? The BanShe rep said that people were more likely to watch the whole show if the season starts with someone eating a dessert and if it incorporates Central Park.

These two are definitely in cahoots, and they absolutely roam from town to town pulling the same scam for free drinks.

Or, taken from a slightly different perspective... he was alone in a shed for months on end recording a special... what other face was he going to use? 

the fucking third person grand theft auto shots when barry gets on the highway were just * chefs kiss *

That guy was amazing.

I have never understood some people’s extreme dislike for this guy. He had nothing to do with Family Guy turning into a pile of bigoted, unfunny dogshit.

I’d just like to say thank you for not making this a slideshow

The expressions on Hank and Cristobal’s face listening to him talk, followed by the reveal that he just broke into their house, was my biggest laugh of the night

Athletes should be paid based on the revenue they create as an individual. Are we arguing that capitalist companies should subsidize diversity, forcing equity of representation without equity of revenue?

If you’re going to do Community x Office reference, Dean’t you forget someone?

Senor Chang meets Toby and George?

i know comedy is subjective but i thought ‘new toilet’ was hilarious.