Why is Steve Inskeep a “simp”?
Why is Steve Inskeep a “simp”?
Am I the only one to admit I clicked for the pic?
It’s because the whole idea is incredibly stupid on the surface, and also beneath the surface
I miss Deadspin.
It becomes clear that what happened between the first pic and second one was Charlie asked her to play Nightcrawlers.
I think you might be watching a different show than the rest of us. The good news is, it’s not like someone’s holding a gun to your head*—you’re totally free to just change the channel/website and watch something else.
This Christmas tree, “... It’s about Hanukah.”
When Big showed the picture, I was like, that’s the actress from that show I watched the other night that has a great cast but was pretty terrible.
I want him to do a movie with Harrison Ford just so I can imagine Ford’s reaction. Strong sits cross-legged on the floor of a pitch dark trailer listening to Sigur Ros. He silently pulls a page out of the script, scrawls the word “MOTHER” on it a dozen times in marker, and then tears it into a dozen pieces. As he…
Was it a joke or was it a continuation of the genuine health concern? They had that little back and forth about Kendall’s chef and whether or not he took Logan’s dietary restrictions into account. Maybe that was more bickering/bantering but I took it at face value that Logan’s diet is being watched.
I felt defensive for him after I read the profile. As I remember, nobody claimed he mistreated them or was an asshole. If we blame him for his process, we must also blame his mentor, Daniel Day-Lewis for his well-known similiar process, the one that’s earned him three Oscars and a reputation as one of the greatest…
He’s the expert on his own recovery, if Munn is essential to it, then let him show his gratitude how he wishes :)
I've been doing HR for 20+ years and this shit happens just like that ALL THE TIME. Grownups are idiots.
Overall, the LARPing scene didn’t bother me, but I did find it bizarre when he said “This is my only chance to be a hero.” Like, sir, you are literally a firefighter! One of our most universially celebrated heroic professions!
I’m glade Caroline is reviewing this too. I was afraid I was going to open my phone this morning and see a pair of C- grades from one of the other regs. That said I thought ep1 was B+ but ep2 was in the C range. The LARP scene kinda sucked. No real humans, not even hardcore nerds, act like that. And the fireman…
I hope everyone has prepared themselves for the emotional letdown of an acquittal because that’s what’s about to happen.
He’s “crying” yet there are no tears...
The trailer kind of shows that if anything, the world has slowly devolved into the Always Sunny universe and not the other way around