
The voicemail will be featured in a new segment Berman is describing as, “The Longest 3 Minutes in a Courtroom.”

Dear Chris Berman,

Berman leaves a slime trail of cholesterol everywhere he slithers.

Lawsuits like these need to hit morons who file them harder than any monetary amount they may have hoped to recover. People should NOT be free to sue on a whim. There needs to be a legitimate, identifiable reason to do so. Lawsuits that are CLEARLY not filed in good faith (like this one), should not only be cause for

Danica is the Donald Trump of racing: nothing is ever their fault.

Had she gone low like she tried, she would’ve been fine. Instead, she hamfisted it full left lock putting her car in a slide that sent it to the high side of track with the wrecking cars in front. Danica standard.

Hot take: she’s not a good driver

unfortunately for everyone else she rarely put a decent race together and ended up causing the wrecks herself most of the time

At least her boyfriend works for State Farm, so her rates shouldn’t be affected too much.

This is a good summary of it

Everyone is moving towards the right. The world as a whole. We’re on a fully loaded freight train, going downhill at full speed, and the left is tooting the horn. It’s not enough. Argh...My crazy is starting to come out.

It’s the American Left. Win or lose, our greatest talent is quickly organizing the circular firing squad.

No, but a giant, dying orangutan is.

Its the little known Hayes glory hole.

His standards are higher than that half melted candle.

F*ckabee Sanders

That’s the detail: they’re not our open enemies.

Devin Nunes is in way over his head, Junior has admitted to multiple crimes on Twitter, but don’t sleep on Carter Page, who is determined to take the gold in the Which Of These Motherfuckers Is The Dumbest Motherfucker Olympics.

lol, this is the guy the GOP wants to go to bat for on privacy issues? Not the random American citizens who speak to relatives in China and the Gulf states and get surveilled for no reason whatsoever, nope, Carter Page is the guy they choose to represent citizens whose privacy rights are trampled on by the government.