Iris Rayne

same here! I used to know the answers, after I looked at the problem it would pop into my head. I had tests where I got all the correct answers and was marked off for showing no work. Later, in highschool, I had a similar thing with higher math. I'd understand the concepts perfectly and could work out the right

My MIL is one of those women. She's a typical boomer second wave feminist-scientist, taught her son to cook and do laundry, taught her daughter she could be anything she wanted to be... Fast forward to the present- daughter told her for several years she was being raped 3-4 times a week by her husband, and my MILs

I still smile when I think about this one.. Back in 2007, I worked as a server at a busy bar in 6th St, the main partying district in Austin. On Friday-Saturday nights, I always took an extra pack of smokes to work with me because I knew I'd get bummed from a lot (errrrryone). About an hour before closing time, I

"Because I have lots of fat on all the parts of my body and therefore I should really just be sitting and soaking in my sadness and Snickers bars and using all my creative brain functions to figure out how to lose weight and/or hate myself more (preferably both at the same time, if I'm feeling particularly ambitious!)"

He had this whole story about the city water being full of mind control substances (that was the line he gave me when he came through my coffee shop buying bottled water), that he was on his way to Mexico to meet up with his "people" and be safe. I was walking fast away from him down a busy street one afternoon when

it was in Texas, over ten years ago. They didn't care, because he hadn't touched me. Just followed me around grinning and staring and saying weird shit.

I want to be that mom.

It's not if they have never touched you, or broken into your house, or raped you, or decided to wear your skin for a coat. "There's nothing we can do until he does something." Is such bullshit though. It's like... Oh, ok, alright, I'll just wait to become a victim then, thanks.

I'm really sorry that happened to you, it's horrifying and no one deserves to go through that. Hope everything is alright now?

Omg that's awful. Is so scary too, knowing people can act like that with impunity. Meanwhile, you get to live with it and picture your skin as someone's eventual coat. That's what they'd investigate. Even years after that experience, I'm really jumpy about strange men with big smiles.

That sucks. I'm disgusted this situation is so familiar to other people. The day after I was basically laughed off by the city police, the dude showed up at my job and stood outside staring for like an hour with this big grin on his face. I had had this silly idea that the cops were there to magically sort out scary

I'm so sorry that happened to you, and not at all surprised by the police response.

...and yet, if they get ignored and something like a rape does actually happen it's the woman's fault? Did I get that one right?

ooooh a Miss Havisham for 2045....

I love this idea.

I find OCC lip tar has the BEST staying power ever, though it had to be applied carefully. A little drop on a lip brush, outline the lips and then fill, blot, and then a second layer, blot. I give them about 15 minutes to really dry well (doesn't dry out my lips) and then I'm set for hours and hours, even when I'm

One of the season 2 Catfishes demonstrated this shockingly well. Ramon & Paola... He showed up her house cross country "expecting" to see super hotness and when the girl was short, chubby, and unattractive he berated her soundly. She stood there and took it, then very calmly talked about all the times they'd face

I had this in an Aussie hospital, nothing else. 26 hours of back labor, had nitrous for the last few hours and aside from the little soothing hit, I could bite down on the mouthpiece and also bang it around. Quite good. don't lie with your back on the sand... Experienced beach-sexer here, the trick is to position yourself on all fours, or else stand up with your back against a rock wall. Then a dip in the shallows after to rinse off. V. Sexy when done properly.

You people are doing facebook wrong. It's not for tragedy or honest communication, it's for making everyone you know jealous of your super-sweet life. Only sublime moments, cute moments, funny moments, beautiful things make it onto my FB. So, despite 2014 being the worst year of my life, my montage looks pretty badass