That necklace is definitely the twee side of goth. I think it works given your profession, too, a bit of dark humor... :)
That necklace is definitely the twee side of goth. I think it works given your profession, too, a bit of dark humor... :)
Nanoblocks is where it's at.
Oh, alright. Me neither, tbh.
I mean, do you honestly need some kind of qualifier about this? Are you stupid? Or just really, really proud of your lactose intolerance?
So, I'm not Aussie (married one), I was raised in the American Deep South, went on to live in lots of different places before ending up here. I live about half an hour from where Igloo grew up, and she accurately represents everything that sucks about the way white people are here.
I'd say it takes massive cajones for him to get out of bed every morning. He's spent this term shoveling up a mountain of shit he didn't create, finally pushed through the beginnings of a legit healthcare plan, eliminated bin Ladin, is dismantling Gitmo, the economy is coming back, and there's that thing about how…
nah, definitely doesn't matter as much as you need it to.
my inlaws dont apologize or talk through things either... After 7 years of marriage, I still don't like it or understand it but I'm used to it. When there's issues, I talk about it towards them, anyway. It's one sided, but I know their ears work, and occasionally I get through to them... And that one time I got…
The question of degree of insecurity is a really interesting one. In my line of work, I see lots of women of different sizes in various stages of undress. All of them 100% real women... I can tell you that hands down, thin women are more insecure and defensive/"apologetic" about their bodies and perceived flaws than…
What if he just doesn't want the place filled with lame ass Hogan-wannabes?
I dot usually comment but yours really struck me, I feel like I have a perspective from both sides... As a teenager, I was taken in by a very kind and loving aunt. She and my uncle all but adopted me, and were really involved in my life (still are). I always longed for a "real mother" and mostly found that in her, but…